Chapter 5

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Alchemy: Magic vs. Science


D/C: I own nothing.


First Name: Informal

Last Name: Formal


"English and Edward's accented voice."

"Amestrian or other foreign language."

"Written notes or to add extra emphasize."



" a familiar zight,. Edward whispered to himself walking into the train station with a look of remembrance. In one hand he is carrying his suitcase, which is now charmed curtsey of one Severus Snape. In the other, he has a tight hold of Xerxes's empty cage. The owl is out on an errand for the new professor and will not be back for who knows how long. It was September 1st at King Cross Station and the day that Edward is to hop on a train to a magical school. "Now...Vere is platform 9 3/4?"

So much had occurred in the last month of Edward's life. Finding out that magic exists, a new world, becoming a teacher and his accent has gotten better. Albeit that it is still there, just not as strong as before. Good thing too, the last thing he needed is a repeat of what happened to him. Asking for directions that ended up being the wrong place than what was asked.

There were many people pacing or running around the station trying to get to their destinations. There were a couple of families that stood out, their children were pushing trolley filled with items that belong to the said child. A trunk, a cage of some sort and other items. What made them stand out is that in some of the cages would have an owl. On the other hand, the families dress in a similar manner that Edward had seen back in Diagon Alley. Edward recognized a lot of them from his first trip to Diagon Alley too.

Without making it oblivious, Edward followed the crowd hoping to get to his destination. Which brought the Alchemist to hiding behind a pillar watching in complete shock seeing kid after kid, relative after relative disappear into a brick pillar.

Slowly and unsurely, Edward stepped away from the pillar he was hiding behind towards the one on the platform between 9 and 10. Edward looked around to see that no one was looking at him as he approached it. Attentively he reached out and touched the brick wall. The moment his gloved hand touched the brick wall he felt a surge of energy that has Edward recoiling back in shock.

Staring at the wall and back at his hand, Edward blinked slowly as he took on what he saw and felt. Once again taking a quick glance around him, Edward proceeded to push his entire hand forward through the wall. Not once did he blink when he saw his hand going through it, all he did his concentrate and continued on.

It was only when Edward was on the other side of the wall did he have a small attack. Once was thrown out the window.

Clutching his heart with his left hand, Edward mentally went through all the chemical formulas he knew in recession. Ignoring the looks that were shot his way, Edward took in a deep breath and took a deep look at the platform.



To say Edward Elric was annoyed was just putting it lightly. He managed to find an empty compartment after ignoring the looks of disgust, annoyance, and confusion. The most he was already used to these types of looks for being a (former) State Alchemist. The only difference of then and now is that he is now going at it alone.

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