Chapter 17

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Alchemy: Magic vs. Science


D/C: I own nothing.


First Name: Informal

Last Name: Formal (Or used to annoy to annoy others...)


"English and Edward's accented voice."

"Amestrian, foreign languages, or to add emphasis."

Written notes or to add extra emphasize



Edward dismissed his class the moment the clock signified that class just ended and lunch had begun. He picked up his student's work from their tables and organized them in order; it was a simple day really. It was his Wednesday class, the Common Sense. He had given them random items and the students had to figure out what they are made up of. By the end of the class, they managed to get the hang of it. Less work for them and himself in the long run...

Once Edward collected all the papers up, he headed over to his desk and picked up a paper clip to keep them together. It was a good day... Now he has to put them in a folder, then into his suitcase and then...lunch, a nice simple lunch. A simple lunch to end a simple and peaceful day of teaching, the Alchemy Teacher let out a soft sigh the moment he sat in his chair. "No headache to-"

The door was suddenly slammed open with no type of notification whatsoever. Several worried individuals speed walked into the room, all of them sprouting out questions a hundred miles a minute. If that wasn't bad enough, owls flew into the room and started to drop letters on his desk. Nothing was making sense was everyone was speaking (screaming judging by Edward's now growing headache) in the same time. All of them wanting to get their point across and it wasn't helping anyone. There goes his simple and peaceful day...

Edward pinched the bridge of his nose and under his breath, he counted down from ten in an attempt to ward off a headache.








Eig, forget this.

Edward sprang up from his chair, slammed his hands against his desk and screamed at the intruders. "SHUT UP! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU, PEOPLE!"

Silence. Too bad that silence only lasted less than a minute and the intruders stated again, only this time they were twice as loud. Edward plops back down on his chair and allowed his mind to go blank. It would be pointless to get into a screaming match at this point. Typically it would be something he would do, but right now, it just seemed so unappealing and useless. The Alchemy Teacher was losing track of time and if it wasn't for someone lightly nudging his shoulder that broke him out of his trance. Looking up, he saw Severus staring down at him and saying something but Edward couldn't hear what he was saying. "What?"

"They are the parents of many of your students, who had to ask permission for the field trip to Amestris."

"Ah. Vat do dey vant?" Edward deadpanned, he did take note that the intru...parents had gone quiet. "Hm?"

"They want to know what their children are getting themselves into. Too see if it is worth having their children go?" Severus stated with a short wave of his hand.

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