Chapter 7

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Alchemy: Magic vs. Science


D/C: I own nothing.


First Name: Informal

Last Name: Formal (Or used to annoy others...)


"English and Edward's accented voice."

"Amestrian or other foreign language."

Written notes or to add extra emphasize.



"Are you zure you do not mind?" Edward asked Severus, matching the Potion Master's strides as they headed down towards said professor's classroom. The blonde twitched consistently the deeper they headed down into the school. He swore the school really wants him out but it's going to take much more than that to get him out...That thought made pause momentarily. Since when did he think the school as a...thing? A living thing? "Ugh...Dis school is koing to be the end of me?"

"Something the matter, Mr. Elric?" Severus asked, taking note of Edward's constant twitching and how his accent started to return in full blast.

"Dis school hades me." Edward stated evenly, he walked down a staircase along with Severus when the professor suddenly grabbed hold of Blonde's shoulders making him stop walking. Edward looked over at Severus questioningly, his eyes widen in shock when he felt the staircase move underneath them. "What the hell!"

Edward clung onto Severus in complete terror as the staircase moved. Severus stared at Edward unamused by his actions but did not comment on it. When they had left Edward's room early, the staircase's did not move and neither he or Filius commented about the magical staircases. "Vat the hell is dis?"

"Magical staircases." Severus stated he pushed Edward forward once the staircase stopped moving. "Move."

Edward grumbled under his breath as he allowed Severus to push him forward. He began to mentally repeat chemical formulas in his head to calm himself down. Once they had arrived at the location, Edward couldn't help but stare at the general area they were in. "Are ve in the dungeon?"

"Yes...yes we are." Severus stated, he opened the main door that leads into his classroom. When Edward entered the classroom, his eyes widen in astonishment. Of course, he had an image in his mind about said location from Severus. But words gave no justice to what he was seeing in front of him. Severus glanced back to see Edward glancing through the cabinets with a look of wonder and astonishment. He chuckled under his breath as he turned back around and headed towards his desk. After all, the Potion's Master has to get his first of the year ready. Severus made a mental note to make a potion to cure help him with headaches.

Severus prepared for his first class and Edward looking around the classroom with curious eyes, a tranquil silence fell over them. On occasion, Severus would glance over to see what Edward is doing to ensure he is not hurting himself. On the latest glance, he saw the Blonde sitting in a stool with a book in hand. A close glance to see that said book is a book about flours and herbs, both magical and the non-magical variety.

The main entrance of the classroom opened and slowly trickled in students, all dressed in uniforms. The only differences they had are the colors of their scarves, ties, crest and the lining of their robes. One group yellow and black, the other group blue and bronze. They entered the class and quietly took their seats and took out the necessary items for that class period. A lot of them shot Edward curious looks, as they did not expect to see the Alchemy Professor in the dungeons.

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