Chapter 21

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Alchemy: Magic vs. Science


D/C: I own nothing.


First Name: Informal

Last Name: Formal (Or used to annoy to annoy others...)


"English and Edward's accented voice."

"Amestrian, foreign languages, or to add emphasis."

Written notes or to add extra emphasize



Edward grumbled under his breath as he scanned through his roster. Thirteen. He now has thirteen students that are eager to learn Alchemy. There must be a different schedule for his students and different set of goals. Now how would he do it?

Everyone that is left shown great strides in becoming possible alchemists. Well, they all are still complete newbies and nowhere near doing alchemy of any sort. Yes, they show potential but nowhere near Amestrian potential for someone that is studying to become an alchemist. That was the reality. He must ensure they understand what is needed to understand before they even start learning the harder elements of alchemy.

For now, all of them still need to learn Latin, elements, elements when it comes with Alchemy, and so many other things... So much work to do before the breakfast the following da... breakfast. Until breakfast in a couple of short hours.

"Why did I leave this for the last minute...?"


"Mr. Elric lives in a modest home with his brother."

"He is engaged to someone that lives down the road."

"Engaged? He doesn't look that old?"

"They've known each other since they were infants."

"I would have thought he was extremely rich and lived in a mansion or something."

"Naw, he lives out in the country. Apparently hates the city..."

"Something about getting in trouble with the local law enforcement."

"That only happens if he is in the same city as his Superior."


"Mr. Elric is... his former boss he's still in contact with. They have an intense rivalry."

"Like what the Slytherin's and Gryffindor's have against each other?"

"They don't have a rivalry in terms of who's better than the other. It's was it?"

"They just like to annoy each other, if anything, they acted like father and son. Just more...antagonistic towards each other."

"Did you get to meet Mr. Elric's parents?"

The eight students that had gone to Amestris and rest of the Alchemy students sat around the Slytherin table, not once caring about the House Rivalries. All their friends from their respective houses came along to hear the tales of the magicless country. All thirteen Alchemy Students knew that their teacher never talked about his father, a very, very sore subject. His mother... always a soft smile but his eyes a slowly healing pain.

"...Next question."


"Did you get to see actual Alchemy done?"

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