Chapter 12

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Alchemy: Magic vs. Science


D/C: I own nothing.


First Name: Informal

Last Name: Formal (Or used to annoy to annoy others...)


"English and Edward's accented voice."

"Amestrian, foreign languages, or to add emphasis."

Written notes or to add extra emphasize



"He's soooooooo cuuuuuute! And tiny!"

Four British Wizard Government Officials watched, completely flabbergasted, as the Emperor of Xing hugged Filius Flitwick. Said professor looked like he was in a state of complete shock. All he talked about was how tiny Flitwick was and how much he wanted him to keep him. The man's guard stood less than three feet away, shaking their head in complete embarrassment.

Ling looked up at Lan Fan, who was looking at him from behind her mask with a knowing annoyed look. She already knows what he was about to say. Ling poked Filius cheek continuously as he spoke to her with his request. "Can I keep? Can I? Please? He's a novelty!"








"But, but, but, but..."

"No. That is final."


Edward stared at his first class, which compromised of five students. They were already seated around the classroom according to their house, this prompted Edward to twitch in annoyance. This alone showed how divided the houses were in the school. The two Ravenclaw's were sitting up front with parchment and a feather in hand to take notes. The Slytherin and Gryffindor were seated at the far ends of the classroom glaring at each other. The Hufflepuff sitting in the back glancing around worriedly and that just made Edward wonder how exactly this school could run with a sort of tension coursing around. This was something that he does not want in his class, they are going to need to work together to pull through his class. Of course, completion is good and all, however... that tends to lead to disastrous mistakes.

"I am going to need the rest of you to sit in the front." Edward stated he motioned for the Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff to come forward. He made the Gryffindor and Slytherin sit next to each other with the Hufflepuff sitting in between the Slytherin and one of Ravenclaws. Finally making the other Ravenclaw sit next to the Gryffindor, hopefully, there will be some sort of communication between all four houses. Hopefully...

The students glanced at each other wondering what exactly they were getting themselves into. None of them know anything about their current instructor, let alone his teaching style for that matter. Is he like Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick or Professor McGonagall? They know that the Alchemy Professor is one good term with the former of the two, the latter...not so much. For all they know, Professor Elric could be just as worse than all three professors combined. Oh, how right they are...

"My name is Edward Elric; you are to refer to me as Mr. Elric. Is that understood?" Edward inwardly smirked at how uncomfortable he made them. The responses he got made him frown momentarily, it was an echo of 'yes sir' and it only reminded him back at the military. To be more precise, Roy Mustang, that left a bad taste in his mouth. "Good... Before we actually start I have to say this... At any moment, I will kick you out if you cross a certain line. Warnings are given, depends on how much you pissed me off that moment."

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