Chapter 25

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Alchemy: Magic vs. Science


D/C: I own nothing.


First Name: Informal

Last Name: Formal (Or used to annoy to annoy others...)


"English and Edward's accented voice."

"Amestrian, foreign languages, or to add emphasis."

Written notes or to add extra emphasize



Edward grinned at his Friday class, everyone started to get into an argument on which element would be the best to focus on to be an Alchemist. By the looks of it... Fire and Metal are up there for everyone. The one that doesn't seem to appeal to anyone is lightning and mud. Something about frizzy hair and making a huge mess. Whatever their reason, it is amusing to watch the debate on the subject.

Edward glanced away from the debate to look out the window. The sun is shining high in the sky, unlike many other days which it is normally covered by the greying rain clouds. A typical day here at Hogwarts, something he is still not used to even after a school year. Could he possibly get used to it? Maybe, just maybe. At least the year is finally at an end and he could go back to Amestris for the summer. Then once again... another year of teaching. Which reminds him...

The Golden Blonde looked down at his desk to see several piles of applications of students that wish to take the Alchemy Exam for the next year. Far more applicants than this year and he bets that more than half aren't even going to make it. Eh, they have the entire summer to study for the exam the following autumn to see if they are up to it. Until then, Edward will focus on finishing the year and figure out what is needed of him to do from that point on.


Fred skimmed through his final exam for Alchemy, he could only raise an eyebrow at how similar it is to the entrance exam. The only main difference is that there are more problems, far more difficult problems and several other things his teacher taught everyone during the year. It seems so simple, yet there's more to it than what meets the eye. There is something off about the entire exam and it appeared he isn't the only one.

'What is up with this?' Fred thought, reexamining the exam for the fifth time. Right when he was about to do that again, something caught his eye. It was small but it was there. Scanning the page and there it is.... 'What do we have here...?'

Fred grinned to himself as he solved the riddle hidden within the exam.


Have a good summer! Do not do anything stupid and keep studying.

Terrance couldn't help but chuckle once he decoded the hidden message in the exam. Of course, Mr. Elric will do something of such nature. With a shake of his head, the Slytherin continued with his exam. He only has half an hour left and he needed to finish the exam. At least it's easy.


George stood up from his seat, picking up his exam and headed over to the Alchemy Teacher's desk. He had just finished the exam and deciphered the message, now all he needs to do is turn it in. The feelings of nostalgia are hitting him as he remembered the entrance exam and how similar what he is doing right now to then.

The Weasley almost doesn't want to turn in the exam. Turning it in will signify the end of the class for the year. He wants to continue to learn Alchemy and wanting to figure out the secrets of the world. Alchemy is his favorite subject; the only one he takes seriously compared to his other classes. Then there was the last thing Mr. Elric had told them all previously.

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