Finding the Vetala, saying good bye to Amanda

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           Dean walked down from Lydia's room and walked into the living room where Amanda was sitting with a bottle of beer in her hand flipping through some home magazine, when he walked in the room she looked up and offered him a chair and then a beer as well when he accepted she got up and grabbed a cold one from the fridge and popped the top and handed it over to him then sat down again.


          "so how was the Tuck in, did she make sure you checked every where so she was safe?" Amanda asked amusedly.

           dean smirked and then shook her head; " yes your going to have shit load of salt to vacume up tomorrow." he chuckled, the grin on his mouth widened at the look on Amandas face of exasperation


" It really took the whole container of salt to supernaturaly ward her bed room?" she quired


yep that's how it's done all windows and doors lined with salt, it keeps the nasties detered.

amanda huffed in resignation that she was just going to have to deal with the mess it would be a stress cleaning project she thought, because that what Amanda does she cleans when she is stressed and the tomorrow's edition was running her stress level since these murders were part of her Expose and she was trying to fine tune it with the matieral that Dean and John had found at the old water mill and her sources at the Coroners office and informed her that the blood was linked to at leas 2 of the 6 victims so they knew where at Least two of the Women were held.


so what do you think about our girl?


well, first off she's adorable I guess be both contributed to that, she is so smart and independent, she has her routine down, I guess that your job offers quite the stable home life huh 9-5 and what have you?


       No actually, she's just had this routine for just a little while now, It's because of my job actually when my stories come like this I am actually gone more then I am home one of the reasons why she has a nanny and I haven't taken and enrolled her into Mitsfield is because I don't have stable hours I come and go when events happen and wittnesses to interview you wouldn't think that the mid sized town we live in has much to report but we have quite the seedy underbelly here so she has learned to adapt and becsuse of the nature of my work she's learned that my word is law, obedience leads to power over yourself then it leads to self-freedom she shows me I can trust her she gets more oppertunities for the things she likes, and well she's just naturally been a very well behaved child never one to complain or argue if you explain the reasons for things if she understands the reasons why she has no problem with the situation.

Dean had noticed how obedient that little Lydi was and for a 6 year old that was quite the achievment
he was taught from an early age that if obedience wasn't hindered to then that lead to pain and anguish mostly because it involved keeping sammy safe and not getting killed, you obeyed the rules so you wouldn't die!.


"well she really is a great Kid, I'd like to keep in touch with her even after I leave even if its just a letter or a post card maybe a picture every once in a while."  he stated


  Well, I think that would be a good Idea, and Honestly I don't think that she would have any less, obviously she would like more but with what you do.... it may not always work out but your most welcome if you find your self near by or passing through to come and see her." she offered with a small smile

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