Born under a Bad sign

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Dean was on his cell phone, leaning against the car. He was fidgeting he was clearly upset.

Dean: "Ellen, it's me again. Any chance you've heard from Sam or Lydia? (Ellen asks a Question) I swear, it's like looking for my dad all over again. I'm losing my mind here Lydia wouldn't just disappear with Sam of all people they don't get along good enough for her to trust him like that. (Ellen Speaks again) No, I've called Sam on his phone and I have also tried Lydia's a thousand times, there's nothing but voicemail on each. I don't know where they went, or why. Sam and Lydia are just gone."

(just then his cell phone beeps)

Dean: "Hang on."

(He looked down at his phone, it showed he had another incoming call he saw it was Sam's Cell . He answered it frantically.)

Dean: "Sammy? Where the hell are you, where is Lydia? Are you two okay? (Sam began frantically saying something.) What do you mean you have no Idea where Lydia is? Hey, hey, hey! Calm down. Where are you? All right, don't move, I'm on my way. "

Dean hung up and hopped in the car and squealed his wheels as he got back out on the road. At the same time Sam hung up the phone slowly, he looked around feeling nothing but numb. He looked down at his hands and his knuckles were bloody. Dean passed the city sign that told him he was entering Twin Lakes; when he arrived at the hotel he parked the car and got out.

Dean walked frantically down the narrow hallway, checking the door numbers until he reached room 109 the one he was looking for. then he knocked.

Dean: "Sam, it's me. Sam!"

Dean tried the door, it was open. while Inside, Sam continued to sit on the bed he hadn't moved at all since he hung up the phone hours earlier after speaking with Dean, and he was still sitting numbly on one bed.

Dean: "Sam? Hey."

SAM: "Hey, Dean."

(Dean knelt beside him)

Dean: "Are you bleeding?"

Sam: "I tried to wash it off."

(Dean saw Sam's shirt which was covered in blood; he groped at it, searching for a wound.)

Dean: "Oh my god."

Sam: "I don't think it's my blood."

Dean: "Whose is it?"

Sam: "I think it might be Lydia's."

Dean: "Lydia's! what the hell happened, where is she?"

(Sam finally looked up)

Sam. "I don't remember anything."

Dean put his hands on his head and started rocking back and forth all the while wondering what could have happened to his Sweet Baby girl again for the second time in his life he was unopposed to sticking a tracking chip in his child, he got up and placed his hand on Sam's shoulder gripping it for his support as much as giving Sam some support.

Dean: "I'm gonna go talk to the Manager and some of the neighbors and see if they have seen anything or heard anything. and maybe go to the local hospital, why don't you go take a shower; get your self cleaned up."

Sam nodded and got up he headed to the bathroom, It didn't even cross Dean's mind that something might not have been right with Sam, he was distracted by his fear and worry for and about his daughter, along with his confusion about what was happening to his brother; He returned to the room later that day, carrying a grocery bag while talking on his phone to other hunters in their circle of friends, he was asking them to spread the word about Lydia being missing and possibly hurt. when he put the bag down he looked over and noticed that Sam had changed his clothes he was looking a little less out of it.

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