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The Impala zooms up a 2-lane, driven by Dean. He was in a good mood, grooving along to his music.

Dean: "Whoo! Listen to her purr! Have you ever heard anything so sweet?"

Lydia: "she sounds and looks beautiful Daddy you did a good job."

Dean: "thanks Little Liddy, it took months and months but I couldn't have done it with out you and your small hands they got to where I couldn't.

Sam: "You know, if you two wanna get a room, just let me know, Dean."

Dean: "Oh, don't listen to him, baby. He doesn't understand us."

SAM (laughs) "You're in a good mood."kkii

Dean: "Why shouldn't I be?

Sam: "No reason."

Dean: "Got my car, My girls 100% healthy again, we got a case, things are looking up."

Sam: "Wow. Give you a couple of severed heads and a pile of dead cows and you're Mister Sunshine."

Lydia: "Daddy's just glad I didn't ask to drive again for my birthday gift so soon after fixing baby up, right Daddy.

DEAN laughs.

Dean: "That's right honey we'll do anything else you like except drive baby at least till she gets some miles on her again, How far to Red Lodge?"

Sam: "Uh, about another three hundred miles."

DEAN: "Good."

(he floors it, while looking in the rear view mirror at his beautiful baby girl Dang he couldn't believe she was nine years old today it was crazy she was becoming a beautiful young lady, Lydia looked back at her father his eye's were shinning with life and excitement like they hadn't done since before grandpa John passed it was good to see him excited and lively again.)

The Winchesters had finally made it to Red Lodge, Dean and Sam who are posing as reporters were busy at the moment talking to a sheriff with an impressive mustache.

Sheriff: "The murder investigation is ongoing, and that's all I can share with the press at this time."

Sam: "Sure, sure, we understand that, but just for the record, you found the first, uh, head last week, correct?"

Sheriff: "Mm-hmm."

Sam: "Okay, and the other, a uh, Christina Flanigan,"

Sheriff: "That was two days ago. Is there -- "

(A young woman knocks on the door, points at her watch.)

Sheriff: "Oh. Sorry boys, time's up, we're done here."

Sam: "One last question -- "

Dean: "Yeah, what about the cattle?"

Sheriff: "Excuse me?"

Dean: "You know, the cows found dead, split open, drained ... over a dozen cases."

Sheriff: "What about them?"

Sam: "So you don't think there's a connection?"

Sheriff: "Connection ... with...? "

Sam: "First cattle mutilations, now two murders? Kinda sounds like ritual stuff."

Dean: "You know, like satanic cult ritual stuff?"

SHERIFF: (laughs) "You - you're not kidding."

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