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Sam: "Ok Lydia you ready?"

Lydia: "yup, I'm ready to try."

Sam: "Ok so Dean is on the back side of the house we have 30 seconds then we're going in and taking out every one except one of the pack members ok so I want you to try to keep one standing still while Dean and I take out the rest."

Lydia: "What are we going to do with the one we are leaving alive?"

Lydia wondered as she fiddled with the gun that she had been given from her father they had to buy it special because of her small hands."

Sam: "your dad and I were talking thinking that you may not be like me and the other kids the Demon had been interested in but I think that your powers work like ours do the more you use them the stronger you get and the better you will be at using them, I kind of freaked your dad out last time when you had to touch the Demon to whammy her with your mind so the werewolf is practice to see if we can figure out how to trigger your power so you don't have to touch them it'll keep you safer."

Lydia shifted about not knowing how she felt about using the beast for practice but Daddy and Sam were right she didn't want to have to touch them any longer so she supposed a little uncomfortableness on both parts were worth it in the long run she would just have to make sure they didn't hurt the thing unnecessarily so even if that's what her family did was kill Monsters and Demons that didn't mean they tortured them that was just sick. she nodded and took a stabilizing breath Sam got a buzz from his Vibrating cell giving him the signal that they would bust in in 5,4,3,2, and 1 Sam kicked open the door and instantly shot the werewolf closest to the door and Lydia shot the first wolf that came out of the back room and then tucked her gun in her pants in the back and raised her hands up and focused and looked right in the werewolf's eyes and then said In her most commanding voice

Lydia: "Stop where you are."

the werewolf stumbled but continued to move toward her struggling as he was.

Lydia: "I said Stop don't you want to make me Happy?"

She said a bit more forcefully even though she was twitching a bit, finally the beast stumbled to his knees looking deeply into her eyes adoringly like Lydia was his life's blood, just then she was grabbed from behind by another werewolf that had slipped past her dad and uncle Sam who were busy with their own werewolves, he reared back as if he was going to lash out and take a bite out of her which would effectively kill her by turning her and just when he had gotten closer he was knocked back by the werewolf that now belonged to her it was fighting for her now they were both fighting each other knocking each other around the room she scrambled for her gun that was in her waist band and shot the werewolf attacking her father and then turned to the one attacking Sam and shot that one as well; when that was taken care of the werewolf that belonged to her had finally taken and ripped the other wolfs throat out and threw the body to the ground then wiped the blood from his mouth then turned towards the three Winchesters two of which were looking at him in obvious disgust and the littlest Winchester was looking at him with warried caution from behind her Dad, he walked over towards them and Dean pointed his gun at him and shoved Lydia behind him.

Dean: "Hey you Mook you stay where you are."

the werewolf continued to walk forward.

Werewolf: "I must check my lady to see if she's injured."

Dean: "She's fine, now Stay back."

Werewolf: "I listen to no one but my Lady, I would die to keep her safe."

Dean looked at him like he was crazy, then turned his head to look at Lydia who shrugged it had happened with Elenore, Elenore had become hers as well, she didn't know why because she didn't remember that the Angel PHANUAL had told her what she was and what she could do but he had taken those memories from her as payment for healing her; all she knew was that she had these abilities she could kill monsters with her touch and mind whammy them into to doing what she wanted them to do and she could make anyone tell the truth.

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