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Life, such a beautiful thing. Everyone was born with a life

I shouldn't have mine

The doctors said that the moment I came out, my heart stopped.

I was dead

Then my heart started beating again after 6 seconds

The doctors didn't know how it happened

They just called it a 'miracle'

When I was 4 I remember protecting a small bird from some cats

I remember yelling at them to go away, when one of the cats managed to get their hands on the bird I got so sad and angry at the same time that I didn't notice black stuff coming off of me

That's when I saw 'it'

A tall black figure with a body that was wrapped in what looked like bandages, didn't have a face either

When mom found me, she asked me what I was looking at

I told her about what had happened and about the tall black figure but she said she could only see me

Even when it was right beside me

That's when I started to call it 'Ghost' because no one could see it, no matter how hard they try, but for me I could see it clearly

Now about my mom

She wasn't like all moms, she was an assassin

Worked for someone that she refuses to tell anyone

Let me tell you she was great assassin. But a horrible parent

She was never around, we never hung out, had quality mother and son bonding time, never really talk to me much either. When I would wake up and see my mom eating breakfast she would always have a nice meal on the table, I would ask for my food but she would just say that there was bread in the refrigerator

We never even celebrated any of my birthdays. When her birthday came around she just left me at home and went with her friends and wouldn't come back till the next morning

Then when I was 7 she decided to bring me to work. I was happy because I thought it would be some bonding time for me and my mom.

What turned out to be the happiest day of my life, became the worst

We went into the woods because that's where mom said her job was, when we got deep into the woods I saw men with guns and animal ears. I was scared. But since I had my mom with me I felt a little safe. Then mom told me to go up to them and talk to them while she worked

And I did

Only to be gunned down, and the last thing I saw was my mother who had a satisfied look on her face

And started walking away

She left me for dead, she wanted this

When I died it felt like I was going to sleep, then I woke up. I couldn't believe I was alive at first. The bullet holes were gone, but so was everyone

I started walking around the woods trying to find my way home only to run into some Grimm

I was scared, I didn't know what else I could do

So I screamed

I screamed at them to leave me alone. After about a minute of screaming I noticed that they weren't moving, but they were trying to at least.

I took that chance to run far from them, and I ran far, very far. At that point I knew I was lost, so I lived in a cave for the following years

During the years in the forest I lived in I started to understand my abilities, and 'Ghost'

First time I summoned it was when I was surrounded by Grimm as I was about to die a second time. Over time I found out that I can summon 'Ghost' for a certain amount of times before he dissolves. Then over time, I could summon it as many times as I want to, as well as multiple at the same time, but only on very rare occasions.

6 years later I found a farm on the outskirts of Vale and there on the porch was an old lady who invited me into her home. She told me her name was Nancy, so I told her mine as well. Turns out she was married to a retired hunter who passed away a week before I arrived

I told her that I lived in the forest all those years and she let me live with her. I repaid the favor by helping her with the farm. As I lived with her she adopted me as her grandson. When the time came, I told her about what I was, even showed her 'Ghost', (I learned that with enough practice I was able to show 'Ghost' anytime I wanted to to anyone I want). When I did show her she smiled and said that none of that mattered and said

"Just means more help to pick the grapes"

I lived with her for 3 years, the best years of my life

But good things don't last forever

We were in Vale to buy her a new hat. We took a shortcut in an alley. Guy pops out of nowhere and demands lien. And since we spent all the lien we had on us on the hat, he decides to aim at the old helpless lady, and pull the trigger. Her body fell into my arms and all I could do was look at the lifeless body of the woman who gave me everything I never had. Then the asshole demands me to give him everything I had

So I gave him the feeling of having his limbs ripped apart

I buried her on a hill near the farm where her husband was buried. I found a note on my bed saying that she gave me all her belongings, and a picture of us together when I was 13

Seeing that I can't take care of the farm by myself I sold it for a good price to another farmer

I moved into Vale after that and got an apartment. Did some jobs for money and stopped when I had enough for a simple living

I lived here for 2 years and still am. I still keep my powers in check though, they seem to be growing everyday. Maybe I can learn something new

I never had the perfect life everybody has, but this is mine

It's Not A Semblance (Male Ajin Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now