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The next morning he landed in Lucknow and moved towards SheeshMahal... before meeting Khushi he thought to freshen soon as he came out from washroom he got a call from Aman...

Aman: ASR our PI team got a lead...they have emailed you...just check it...

Arnav: yeah Aman I got it...I will check it after meeting Khushi...Aman I think I am getting another call...I will get you back...

And the call was cut....he saw some unknown number calling, he called back but none received...

He was driving his car but had to stop due to he thought to check the email...what he saw took his breath...there he got the final detail from his PI team... the image sent by them was showing his Khushi...she was the girl Anjali revenging...

His brain stopped working for a second...he regained his senses as something flashed in his mind and it took just seconds to join the dots....yeah it was 5 months ago only....

"Arnavji...please take me with you..." said a crying Khushi clutching his shirt collar tightly...

"What happen Khushi?"

Khushi narrated how she went to deliver sweets to a puja but mistakenly went to a wrong address and a man was constantly following her...the next day he surprised her at the market by holding her hands and said he want to befriend her...but she ran and again that same man came at her dance class and cornered her trying to touch her indecently saying he want them to be together...and how she ran away from his clutches...and directly came SheeshMahal..

Arnav's blood boiled thinking about someone lusting his innocent Khushi...he caged her in his arms and thought something...

"Book two tickets for Mumbai...of tonight...and also arrange every thing that is required for a marriage...ya me and Khushi getting married tomorrow Roy and ask him to prepare marriage certificate on our names..." ending the call he looked at the innocent girl who was still sobbing...."No one can take you away from's high time..."

He took her  in his arms and carried her to the bed...they lied together with Arnav hovering over Khushi and wiping her tears "We are leaving soon Khushi...don't get one can hurt you...after this moment no one can make us apart..." 

After sometime he softly started saying.... "Marry me, Khushi... it's high time, we should get married now...after this i can't let you live here don't know how terrified i am now...i can't live here and also can't let you...please...what if something happens to you...i will d... before he could complete his words Khushi closed his mouth with her palms...

Khushi nodded her face negatively and looked straight into his eyes saying... "I want to be your wife....I want to live with you forever...I want to be only yours..."

He knew she will never deny but thinking something said... "Khushi...the marriage will be without involving our families... i mean in this short time we cant inform them ."

"You are my only family Arnavji... I can't lose you... what if that man did something bad today...lets get married..." pleaded Khushi hugging him tight...

Arnav felt bad for what she was going's incident took a toll on her...she was fearing to lose him ...he was not that he care about their families was for her only as she liked  traditional wedding with family's involvement...

"But what will I say everyone...Why am I leaving..." asked Khushi out of the blue...

After thinking a while he said ... " I will give you a print out ,say that you got a job in Mumbai...which you applied few days ago and now they informed, you have to report tomorrow you are leaving tonight... the job is good and pays well so you are shifting...Mark my words they will be more than happy to let you go...and for now.... let us seal the deal of our togetherness..." Khushi frowned .... Arnav smirked and took her soft petals into his...they kissed as there was no tomorrow....

As Arnav predicted the Gupta's were more than happy to know this went to Mumbai and the next day they performed all the rituals and got married in a mandir..." 

Arnav came out of his thoughts by the horns of the other cars....he drove his car with record speed before ordering "Aman get my chopper ready ASAP"... By no means he can let anyone hurt his Khushi...they have to face him... the Mighty ASR.... 

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