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"Aman it's the only way to keep her at bay..."

"As you say..."

From the last week Sheetal was given unwanted attention in office... he started taking calculative steps towards her from the time he get to know about Khushi's danger...he believed that Anjali can never be alone in all this...Sheetal was with her so he needed to divert her...he was spending extra time with her in the name of work...and his plan worked...

" called me..." came her honey coated voice...

"Sheetal...AR is organizing the yearly fashion show in you know it's a big and very important event for I want you to be the showstopper..."

"What? Like really...OMG...but one sec...what about Lavanya? Always she takes  lead of your foreign events..."

"That's true but now it's time for a change...also she needs I thought you will be great..."

"Thank you so much ASR..." she hugged him in all her excitement...

"I know you will do well...I have that trust on you..." saying he completed the hug...

"We will rock the event ASR" chirped Sheetal...

"I think I will not attend the event...Khushi will not let me do so..."

"But ASR..."

"You know her...she will panic...but you know...sometimes it suffocates me when I have to hamper my work for her..."

"I know ASR...she is kind of clingy...sorry to say...though she is your wife but she can never match you...I feel sorry for you sometimes...I mean I should have never stop my husband doing his work..."

"Let her deliver my baby...I will leave her..."

"What?" came her shocked response...

"I mean I will never let her interfere between my work...I will leave her on her own and take my space focusing only on my work...leave it...thanks for your support..."

"Ohh ASR I am always with you..." Sheetal hugged him one more time and left happily...

He knew his plan worked because Khushi was safe...he was able to divert Sheetal...she was easily trapped...but he didn't knew that Payal overheard everything...he can't blame her though, anyone in her place would have reacted the same...but the pictures...someone was following them and it can't be Anjali behind all this as she is in London for few days and he is updated with the minutest detail of his ASR brain gave him the one and only conclusion...

"Someone else is playing behind the picture..." Arnav opened his red fury eyes as realization dawn upon him...he was hell nervous for Khushi...that can be said by his pacing the corridor of the hospital but his sharp brain didn't fail to join the dots...

He can see him pacing all around the corridor...he smiled...

"Your son is so impatient Arti...but I can't blame him...I knew what he is if I am seeing myself...I can never forget the feeling of holding him in my arms for the first time...bless her Arti...I want my Chotte to feel his blood in his see his love of life his wife nurturing his be a proud father...bless Khushi...that innocent child...I was wrong Arti...I failed..." he closed his eyes in regret...

"Arnavji...take me home...please..."

" are taking all wrong...all these are lies...they are framing my know he have many enemies...these are all their doings... my Arnavji can never do this..."

"Stop are took it all Arnavji can never say that..."

"I trust you..."

Her words ringing in his mind all the time...

"I was so that one minute I saw history repeating itself... I felt hundred needles piercing me... seeing my Chotte so hurt... bearing the same fate of mine...but that girl...she didn't believe all those craps...not even her sister...they trust each other blindly...we lacked it Arti...the fault was ours...I gave work more priority to safeguard our children's future but I never thought you were going away from also never voiced out your insecurities...and that Anamika manipulated you so easily..." fresh tears running through his eyes...

"She is not like Anamika...I was so could she be? You brought her up...she is so much like you...she trusts Chotte blindly...why not? Chotte is all gaga over her...never fails to shower his love...she is his only priority why will she believe someone else? Communication gap was our biggest fault Arti...I understand today....for my foolishness I lost you...we lost our life...please keep them safe...please..." was the only thought running in his mind...

Suddenly the silent tension filled atmosphere was broken by a loud cry indicating the arrival of the most awaited Raizada...Arnav bend down on his knees with tears...Khushi was taken for C-section as she fainted...he was so afraid when doctor said about her critical was the first time he felt powerless...Arjun came towards him and hugged him with all his might...Arnav clutched him tight just like he used to do in his childhood...

"Papa..."came his slow voice...

"Chotte...they are safe..." said Arjun patting his back...

"I thought I lost them...."

"They are fine saved are now a father Chotte...feel it...take your blood in your will feel you conquered the world...don't cry..." said Arjun wiping his tears....

All were stunned...if they were happy for the new arrival then the scene they were witnessing was out of the world...all cried in their hearts seeing the father consoling his child who himself is now a father...oh how much they waited for this...

The nurse came out with a baby wrapped in towel in her hands...

"Mr. Raizada it's a baby boy...both baby and mother is safe...we are transferring her in room shortly...the baby is very healthy..." said the nurse smiling at the new nervous father...

"Have you decided any name? We have to make his birth certificate...if not then" before she could complete Arnav cut her saying...

"Arush...Arush Singh Raizada..." came Arnav's voice...

"Sure sir...nice name" saying she moved the baby towards Arnav but the mighty ASR was hell nervous...why not? After so much of waiting it was time that ASR faces ASR...

He nervously took Arush in his arms...he was tiny so pink...he can't believe they created this beautiful angel...his tears running continuously...a drop of tear disturbed his son's sleep...slowly the baby opened his eyes and he was lost in his eyes...he didn't knew what suddenly happened between him and his father a minute ago but he knew his father was indeed right...he felt like he owns the world..." Arush..." came his whisper...he smiled like mad... "Hazel Khushi's eyes..." he kissed his little forehead with utmost care...Arush gave sweet yawn and slept again in his father's warm embrace...

so here is the last the little Raizada arrived...hope you like it...enjoy...

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