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" bacha...will have his milk...then Papa will Ladoo will play with him...hai na..." Khushi kept speaking sweet nothings whereas little Arush kept staring having his milk...Khushi smiled noticing Arush's eyes following her jingling bangles...

" like them? You know they are your Dadi's..." Arush kept staring her as if he understands everything...


"Ji...come inside please..."



"He is still awake?"

"Hmm...just woke up few minutes ago..."

"Ohh...can I?"

"Why are you asking Uncleji? He is your grandson..."

"Arnav might not like..."

"No Uncleji...may be you both have differences but he will never stop you to love Arush...please bless him..."

Arjun took Arush in his's the first time he took him in his arms...Arush stared at the new face...Arjun chuckled...

"Just like my Chotte...exploring everything with little eyes..." he looked up at her...

"Khushi...I...I am sorry...."

"Uncleji...there's no need..."

"It's needed...I never hated you...not before not's just there is something bitter in past, related to your family that forced me to neglect you...I thought you are like them but I was are different...You grew up under Arti's are just like her...thank you for being with my Chotte...for loving him so much...I did some mistakes in past and from my experiences I am saying... never let anyone come between you...promise will never leave him..."


"Papa...I will be happy if you call me Papa...I know you never got any fatherly affection...but I want you as my daughter...please if you can"

"I don't know about the bitter past...but I promise you I will never let my Arnavji be in pain...I will never let anyone harm him...I promise you...Papa..."

"Thank you are just like your name...always spreading happiness...I promise I will never let you down..." he took out a box and handed it to her...She opened them and there was a set of bangles...She looked at him confused...

"Take them...these were Arti's...I gifted her when Chotte was these are your's...from both of us...for giftng us Arush"

"Khushi..." Khushi jerked from her thoughts and saw Arnav entering the room removing his tie...he kept his bag and moved towards them...

"Is he sleeping?"

"No...filling his tummy..."

Arnav dropped kisses on both Arush and Khushi's foreheads and left to washroom...

"Arnavji...take him...I have work..."

"Ladoo...don't trouble papa..." Arush stared at her sucking his thumb..."

"Khushi... it's Arush...stop your Ladoo raag..."

"He is my son...I can call him with any Ladoo... laadgovernor..." she left the room flaring her nose...

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