Author's Note

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Hey all you amazing readers!!
This is not a chapter update, I'm sorry!

But I just had to take a moment to say, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Each and every one of your reads, comments and votes is the best gift I could ever receive! I woke up today to find that we'd reached over 1k reads! I am stunned, ecstatic, and overwhelmed with love. I'm thrilled that you're all enjoying Elemental Heir so far!! I know it's an incomplete story right now, and I know how frustrating it can be to wait! We all love to binge read right? Lol. So I will update as often as I can. ❤️

I would also like to say a MONUMENTAL THANK YOU to the amazing EmelineRousselot !! You may have seen her post about my book. Can I just say... HOLY. COW. 😦

Her kind praise has humbled me to my core. I think we can all agree that she's AMAZING. For someone as busy and successful as she is, it's just astounding to me that she shows her fans, readers, and fellow authors so much love and support. Honestly, she's an angel sent from above.

Please, help me in showing her some love, and leave a comment about how wonderful she is! I've thanked her several times, but it just doesn't feel adequate. Help me show her the same love and support that she continues to show to all of us, her fans!

One more thing... When this book is complete, I will be dedicating it to you, EmelineRousselot , as a thanks for your help and your huge vote of confidence in this story! You are a huge inspiration and role model in my life. I cannot thank you enough, but this seems like the perfect way to show you just how much your support means to me.

You're the BEST. ❤️


I will be adding a new chapter by the end of the day, tomorrow at the latest, so stay tuned my lovely readers!! Thank you again, and congrats on 1k reads!! 💋

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