Chapter 29

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(WARNING! This chapter contains sexual content.)

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Ronan has been true to his word. The next morning, while I was sipping my coffee, a knock sounded at my door. When I'd answered it there had been no one there, but a small box, wrapped with red ribbon, had been left for me. On top of the box, there was a white envelope with my name scrawled across in in neat, cursive ink.

When I'd opened the box, I found a beautiful, white gold ring inside, adorned with three, massive diamonds. In between the diamonds were several, small opal jewels, which sparkled with breathtaking colors when the light hit them just right. It was a gorgeous ring, fit for a queen...

Or a lying, cheating, two faced snake...

I studied the ring more closely as I sipped my coffee, trying to find the rune that had been carved into it. After ten minutes of confusion, I finally saw the small intention on the inner band, so faint that it was nearly invisible.

She'd never notice it.

I put the ring back in it's tiny box and lifted the envelope, eyeing it warily. I slid off of the bar stool and leaned my elbows against the island as I studied it. When I finally ripped into it and pulled out the folded paper, I gasped.

It was a charcoal sketch. A sketch of me...

I was standing beneath the tree from last night. The lanterns were sketched above me, causing my eyes to shimmer. My face was a cross breed between anxiety and wonder. It was so detailed, so life like...

At the bottom of the page was a note.

Princess Brenya,
Please, do me the honor of accompanying me to our engagement party tonight. The entire Aviary will be there, celebrating our upcoming union, as well as the return of Lady Andromeda Price and Lord Torryn Griggs. Your public rune removal ritual, which is scheduled for tomorrow evening, will also be announced at the party.
Your's indefinitely,
High Lord Ronan Regulus

I stared at the page, waiting to feel something. But nothing came. I was completely numb. Nothing could undo this. I was bound to Ronan now, indefinitely, just as he'd written.

I set the letter down on the island counter top and began to slowly pace around the kitchen, sipping my coffee, waiting to feel something...


The minutes ticked by...

A sudden, loud whooshing sound startled me out of my vacant minded pacing. I yelped, dropping my mug of coffee. It shattered at my feet, the hot liquid burning my toes.

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