Chapter 73

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(Brenya's POV)


I was completely alone.

I didn't know where Dristan was, where Warrick, Torryn and Marrok were. I didn't know if the wards had been dropped yet, or if the human soldiers had already breached our perimeters.

All I knew was that I was alone, and that I had to hurry.

And gods above, I hurried. I shot like an arrow through the trees. I moved faster than I'd ever moved in my life. I used my power over the wind to lift my feet off the ground, but I didn't dare move above the treeline. I could't risk giving away my position in case the soldiers were already near.

I skated through the air, pushing my legs, using the wind to propel me at maximum speed. Sharp branches, thorns and leaves smacked against my forearms, my cheeks, my ears... But I could hardly feel the sting of them.

All I could think about was what Ronan's impersonator had whispered to me. That one, eerie, terrifying word bombarded my mind, again and again, as I flew through the trees.

Hurry, hurry, hurry...

I could've easily said to hell with it and ignored the impersonator's request to place the rune's where he'd wanted them. But I was wary of what he might do if I didn't acquiesce to his request. We knew nothing about this person, who he was, or how powerful he might be. He had already nearly killed Dristan, and had been possessing Ronan without our knowledge for quite some time. He'd set us up.

He'd tricked the human king into following him, so he was obviously good at deceiving others. I wasn't sure I even wanted to know what else this mysterious person was capable of. Whatever his reasons were for opening the portal here, he had gone through great lengths to make sure it happened. I didn't know why, but I did know that if he didn't get what he wanted, we would likely have more dangerous issues to worry about other than the human soldiers.

For now, I would play along. As long as the humans and the king were disposed of, the rest didn't matter. Not right now, anyway... I would deal with the impersonator later. I could only deal with one problem at a time...

A shrill, piercing sound echoed through the skies above me. An unmistakable sound.

A dragon.

My eyes shot toward the sky as I continued to skate on the wind, but the canopies were too thick to be able to see anything. I growled with frustration, my worry for Dristan taking over, and I inched closer to the treetops.

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