Chapter 47

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(Dristan's POV)

I watched from behind the eyes of my dragon as the army of Sylphs descended upon us from above. My dragon growled in warning, suddenly tense and uneasy about the appearance of these strange creatures. And though I knew that they were peaceful beings, I also felt a sense of dread at the sight of them.

They were otherworldly.

Their bodies were oddly thin, their limbs lanky, too long for their frames. Their skin was a pale blue, so thin it was almost translucent. They were all dressed alike, with long, flowing white robes, which billowed around them like ghostly shadows.

More shocking than their strange, thin bodies, were their faces. Their eyes were much too large. I could not decipher their pupils from their irises, as the entirety of their giant eyes were as black as coal. Their mouths and noses were dainty. I could not tell the males from the females as they all had long, black hair.

They drifted towards us through the puffy clouds, their strange eyes trained on us. Apparently, the invisibility rune did not work on their eyes. They could definitely see us.

'Stay calm.' I urged Brenya through the bond. I could feel the anxiety rushing through her.

'I don't know what to say to them.' Her soft voice whispered into my head.

'Look within. Trust yourself.' I replied calmly.

'I will try.'

The Sylphs stopped ten feet away. They stared at us curiously, their heads cocked, eyes scrutinize. My dragon and I watched them closely, ready to defend our mate should they make one wrong move.

Protect, protect, protect...
Brenya, Brenya, Brenya...
Defend, defend, defend...
Brenya, Brenya, Brenya...

"Announce yourselves." The Sylph closest to us demanded quietly. Her voice was strong, yet gentle. It reminded me of the wind itself.

I felt movement on my back. I listened to Brenya's mind through the bond. She stood up, bracing herself on a large spike near my shoulder.

"My name..." She said firmly. "Is Brenya Avery Alemaund of the rune and elemental Fae bloodlines. I am the lost princess, the rightful heir to the Fae throne."

The Sylph's eyes traveled up and down her body slowly as she spoke. The Sylphs behind the leader remained still, their strange, onyx eyes unblinking.

"Your spirit is strange..." The Sylph said, cocking her head to the side. She floated closer and I felt my dragons muscles tense further.

"My... Spirit? What do you mean by that?" Brenya asked, her voice laced with confusion.

The Sylph stopped five feet away. The others remained where they were. The way they stood, so still, their huge eyes still not blinking, caused my nerves to grow stronger with each passing moment. They were unsettling. They were alien.

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