chapter three

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       "Uncle, i want the repairs made as quickly as possible. I don't want to stay too long and risk losing his trail." Zuko commanded as the three of us stepped off of our damaged ship, thanks to the avatar. We were now at Captain Zhao's harbour, hoping the men here could help us out.

"You mean the avatar?" Iroh quizzed.

"Don't mention his name here! Once word gets out he's alive, every firebender will be hunting him down. I don't want anyone getting in the way."

"Oh? Getting in the way of what, Prince Zuko?" A voice behind us spoke. I spun around only to see Zhao himself.

"Captain Zhao." Zuko greeted.

"It's commander now. And General Iroh, great hero of our nation." Zhao turned over to face me, "But how could i forget the daughter of our governor, the great Ukano." Zhao gave me a grin that made me uncomfortable.

"I have a name." Was all i said in return.

"I'm a retired general. You know this, Commander." Iroh reminded.

"You three are welcomed guests anytime, especially you," He looked over at me again. I hated this guy. And by the way he was showing interest in me, made Zuko hate him even more. "Well, what brings you to my harbour?"

"Our ship is being repaired." Iroh answered almost immediately.

"That's quite a bit of damage." Commander Zhao spoke with confusion in his voice.

"Ah, Yes! You wouldn't believe what happened." Zuko began awkwardly preparing to fill him in on fake details, like the guy he is. "Uncle, tell the man what happened!" I mentally face palmed knowing Zhao won't believe the fake story.

"We crashed into an Earth Kingdom ship! It was crazy." I saved Iroh and Zuko.

"Really? You must fill me in on all the thrilling details. Join me for a drink?" Zhao requested with an evil look on his face.

"Sorry, but we have to go." Zuko wrapped his arm around my waist and gave Zhao a glare.

"Prince Zuko, show Commander Zhao some respect." Iroh demanded. "We would be honoured to join you."

Thanks, Iroh. Thanks a lot.

Zuko then gave me an apologetic look.

"Do you have any Ginseng tea? It's my favorite!" Iroh excitedly walked off of the docks with Commander Zhao, Zuko and i not following yet.

"This is ridiculous." Zuko gave me a hug and rested his chin on my head. I've always loved the fact that he was a bit taller than me.

"Doesn't your uncle understand how uncomfortable this guy makes us feel? Especially me?"

"You know how he is, way too nice. By the way, thanks for saving us back there. I can't stand the idea of someone else capturing the avatar. You never fail to amaze me." I couldn't see, but i could tell Zuko was smiling. He always does when he compliments me. I'm probably the only person he's ever this nice to, however.

"It's not a big deal, but you're welcome." I rubbed circles on my boyfriend's back. No one could understand how much he means to me. It's been that way ever since we were kids. I consider myself lucky he grew to love me instead of my sister, we both had a big crush on him. But it didn't affect our relationship all too much, Mai is known to not really care.

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