chapter twenty-six

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It was a really hard time for everyone. We all thought Azula killed Aang, and we prayed Katara could heal him once Sokka and Toph rescued us from the catacombs, with the Earth King by their side. The spiritual water Katara offered to use on Zuko turned out to save the avatar's life, and we were all beyond relieved. I was especially thankful Zuko declined her offer, or else Aang would've parished, and the avatar would go extinct, since he was in the avatar state when Azula shot him. Never mind that, Aang was okay. He's still sleeping right now, he's been in a coma ever since we left Ba Sing Se. He even grew some hair, which i think suits him well.

"Something on your mind? You've been staring at the ocean for quite some time." Katara approached me, with Toph behind her. Their Fire Nation robes were dancing in the wind, causing them to hold onto their attire to keep still.

Truthfully, i wasn't feeling okay. I've been thinking a lot about what's happened recently. As i tightly held onto the railing of the ship we stole, i couldn't help but let a tear slide down my cheek. I've had my hopes up for Zuko several times, but he's always remained the same, angry and hot-headed. The fact that he joined Azula's team back in the city made me completely lose it.

"This is about Zuko, isn't it?" Toph read my mind and stood beside me. It's as if she has the ability to see into people's heads. Or maybe it's just too obvious.

"I love him, i still love him, but i hate him! What is wrong with him?" I wiped my face with my sleeve, turning my head away from my best friends.

"Well... which is it?"

"I don't know." I bawled. "I felt so bad about mine and Sokka's kiss, and the fact that i flirted a bit with Jet. But the way Zuko's been lately, it's almost like he's asking for it. Why does he care more about people who are only using him? I've always been there for him, even when i joined you guys. I've always wanted the best for him."

"Zuko is confused. We all see how much he loves you, but he's so stubborn and he's determined to obtain his father's love and acceptance. Not that he'll ever get it, but he's still trying. He grew up privileged, he doesn't know how to live outside of his nation." Katara played with my hair and braided a strand, attempting to make me feel better. Toph was about to say something, but was interrupted by Sokka.

"Motoko, you're freezing, take my robe. Don't worry about me, i'm fine in this guard uniform." Sokka threw his robe around my shoulders, instantly warming me up. If only it could also make my depressing thoughts go away.

"Thank you." I looked at him and gave him a weak smile. I couldn't tell what his reaction to the scene was, because of the helmet he had over his head that covered his face.

"Everything alright?" He acknowledged the aura or sadness.

"Yeah, we're just having some girl talk."

"Oh, okay. I'll be going then." He left the three of us alone. I wasn't sure if i was just imagining things, but i could've sworn Toph made a face at him, but i couldn't tell what it was about.

"Well, i'm really mad at Zuko right now. You don't deserve him. I know he has a lot going on at the moment, and you obviously know him better than i do, but what's the point of fretting over it? We all want you to be happy. From what i've seen, Zuko's made you cry more times than he's made you laugh."
I know Katara means well, and she might even be right, but i really didn't want to hear that.

"Believe me when i say this, but Zuko was a completely different person in the past. I hate Ozai for what he's done to him, and I hate Azula for brainwashing him. You won't believe this part, but she was my best friend growing up. I guess you could say she was different back then too, but not as much." I opened up to Katara and Toph, giving them more information from when i was younger. They showed shocked expressions, but you could still see how bad they felt for me.

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