second epilogue

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"Why am i nervous?" I confessed as i leaned into Zuko. "She's the exact opposite of shy, i know she'll do great. It's just-."

"It's your natural instinct to worry, it's only normal. She'll make us proud, you'll see." Zuko reassured me as he reached over my shoulder and rubbed his hand up against my arm.

"I'm already proud."

"Yeah, we did a good job."

"Sir, it's time for you to get out there." A palace guard informed Zuko, causing him to let go of me and place a quick kiss onto my forehead before making his way towards the stage.

"Good afternoon, citizens of the Fire Nation." Zuko greeted the crowd as he reached the podium and spoke into the microphone. "I've called you all here to announce the birthday of my daughter and your princess, who is now twelve years old and of age to begin the official training to the start of becoming Fire Lord. Not only is she courageous, intelligent, and an icon to her generation, but i couldn't have asked for a more respectful, loving and loyal child, and not a day goes by where i don't feel like the proudest father in the whole world."

A giant smile formed on my face as Zuko spoke so highly of Izumi. It's true, we both feel so lucky to have her in our lives and we couldn't imagine a way to make her even better, because to us she's honestly perfect. She's very friendly towards others, hardly makes a mess and cleans up after herself, and was born a true leader and deserves nothing more than to be the future Fire Lord of the Fire Nation.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Princess Izumi would like to say a few words and has prepared a speech for all of you."

The audience applauded as Zuko stepped onto the side, then Izumi came out from behind one of the curtains that covered the stage, and approached the podium with confidence and a cocky grin on her face while i sent her a quick thumbs up. She had a pin which held her long black hair up to give her outfit a bit of pizazz, and wore the official tiara of the Fire Nation princess that Azula kindly gave to her a while back.

"Look at her, she's so beautiful." Zuko stared at our daughter in awe as he rejoined me backstage, making me rest my head on his shoulder as Izumi tapped the microphone to test out the sound.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Princess Izumi, the only child of Fire Lord Zuko and Lady Motoko and heir to the throne. This is my first time public speaking and giving a speech for my people, but i wanted to make sure it would dazzle you all and help you support me as your Future Fire Lord." Izumi started, already making my jaw reach the floor since her words sounded very smart and were quite convincing, not that i expected anything less from her. "I am so honoured to be your princess, and i love my nation with all of my heart. I promise to continue to lead it in the name of love and peace, and to carry on that tradition from my father."

"Uh, what are you doing?" I suddenly noticed Zuko holding giant index cards above his head that i wasn't sure where he pulled them out from, making me giggle at his actions. "I thought you're the one who said she would nail her speech?"

"Well, yeah, but you never know." Zuko stuttered, showing signs of nervousness himself. After all, it's impossible to tell a parent not to worry about their children. "I told her to glance over at me if she forgets one of her lines."

"Doesn't look like she'll need to." I continued to observe Izumi, seeing she wasn't having any trouble with her speech whatsoever. "That's our brave girl."

"I guess making these was a waste of time." Zuko threw the index cards to the side, then brushed his hands off with a scowl on his face. "She doesn't need me anymore."

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