chapter forty

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       "Guys, don't worry." Katara suddenly spoke up from Appa's saddle, probably sensing that Zuko and i were internally panicking. "We can take Azula."

"It's just that, i can't help but overthink. We have no idea what we're getting ourselves into. What if-." Before i could finish ranting, Zuko let go of Appa's bridle and placed one of his hands onto my lower back, instantly quieting me.

"I'm not worried about Azula, she's going down." He turned his head to face me, his golden eyes meeting mine. "I'm worried about Aang. What if he doesn't have the guts to take out my father? What if he loses?"

"Aang won't lose." Katara came up from behind us and sat down next to me. "He's gonna come back. He has to."


"I understand, Princess. Please, forgive me!"

"Oh, very well. Since it's a special day, i will show mercy. You are banished, leave this palace immediately!"


Sokka's POV

Toph, Suki and i have reached the base where are all of the Fire Nation airships are located, and are being prepared for takeoff. Toph managed to use her earthbending to boost us onto a nearby airship that was already ascending into the air, making us land onto the metal platform before it got too high to reach. There's no way i'm going to leave here without taking down every single one of them. Aang is badly needed to save the world from the Fire Lord, but the three of us were also needed to stop it from erupting in flames. I just hope Katara, Motoko and Zuko are doing okay too.

We continued to make our way into the airship as stowaways, using sneack attacks and stealthy movements to get by and take out any firebenders in our way. Right now, the goal is to knock out the captain and take control of the ship, and somehow find a way to destroy the rest. Fire Lord Ozai is in one of these airships, but i guess a little game of roulette is needed to figure out exactly where he is.


"The Dai Li would never betray you!"

"I'm sure that's exactly what you told Long Feng before you turned against him and joined me. You're all banished! Goodbye!"


Toph just succeeded in taking out four firebenders in the control room, using metalbending to cover herself in a homemade plated armour and chucking bits and pieces to knock the soldiers out as Suki and i waited outside of the room. I've got to say, there's never been a moment where Toph hasn't impressed me with her abilities. If we didn't have her by our side, this mission would be impossible.

"That's how it's done." Toph bragged as she pushed the metal off of her body, removing the suit she just kicked some butt in.

"Good work, Toph." I congratulated my friend. "Now, it's time to take control of the ship. Take the wheel."

"That's a great idea!" She sarcastically smiled. "Let the blind girl steer the giant airship?"

"I was talking to Suki." I corrected with a serious expression, but also wanted to let out a laugh.

"That makes more sense."

"What are we going to do about the rest of the crew?" Suki wondered as she placed her hands onto the steering wheel.

"Take us down closer to the water." I ordered. "I've got an idea."

I searched the room for the object i was looking for, finally finding it right above my head, placed onto the wall. I took the microphone that i hoped had speakers throughout the ship, then spoke into it.

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