chapter twenty-seven

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       "I think i see a cave below." Aang was using his airbending to cover us with clouds as Appa soared through the sky, in hopes that we wouldn't be spotted.

"Sh, quiet!" Sokka scolded as Appa landed. "Great job with the cloud, but next time let's disguise as the kind of cloud who knows how to keep its mouth shut!"

"Yeah, we wouldn't want a bird to hear us chatting and turn us in!" Toph sarcastically retaliated as we dismounted the bison.

"Hey, we're in enemy territory! Those are enemy birds." Sokka approached a rock that had a flock of Fire Nation pelicans walking all over it, minding their own business.

"They're just birds! Not everything about my homeland is evil, you know. When will that sink in?" I growled at Sokka, already feeling tired of his unnecessary behaviour.

One of the birds leaped off of the rock and stood on Sokka's head, then let out a chirp, causing the group to let out a few giggles.

"Sorry, Mo. I'm just being careful." Sokka shooed the bird away.

We slowly made our way into the cave, assuming it would be a good spot for now. Suddenly, Sokka jumped in front of us and fell to the ground, then instantly got up and posed like a ninja.

"Stop that!" I yowled, almost tripping over the goofy guy.

Sokka got up and brushed the dirt off of his clothing, then continued to enter the cave.

"I thought Appa didn't like caves? He's calm." I remembered when Appa freaked out in the cave of two lovers.

"This is okay, there's a giant opening to the outside with a good view." Aang explained to me.

"Well, this is how we'll be living until the invasion begins. Hiding in cave after cave, after cave, after cave..." Sokka went limpy as if he were a gummy candy, voice getting deeper every time he says 'cave.'

"We don't need to become cave people, what we need is some new clothes." Katara suggested, gaining everyone's attention.

"Yeah, blending in is better than hiding out." Aang agreed. "If we get Fire Nation disguises, we'd be just as safe as we would be hiding in a cave."

"Plus, they have real food out there." Toph added. "Does anyone wanna sit in the dirt and eat cave-hoppers?"

"Alright, let's get some new clothes. I know my outfit is already Fire Nation, but it's my signature look. I would definitely get recognized." I predicted, understanding the importance of staying hidden.

Eventually we all made our way closer into town, but obviously Appa stayed behind. We found someone's home that was a bit of a walk from our cave, and they had a bunch of clothes hanging to dry in their backyard. Aang felt bad about stealing someone's belongings, but Katara went ahead and was the first to take a silk robe, then Aang realized he didn't have much of an option and grabbed a school uniform, with a headband to cover his arrow.

"Sorry, shoes. But i cant see!" Toph ripped the bottom of her new shoes after she finished dressing up in the outfit she picked out. "Finally, a stylish shoe for the blind earthbender."

"How do i look?" Katara revealed herself to us, causing Aang to blush.

"I hate to ask you to take it off, but... your mother's necklace." I reminded Katara, since it's an obvious artifact from the Watertribe.

"Oh, yeah." Katara frowned and removed her jewellery.

Once we all finished getting ready, i decided it wasn't enough for me.

"Can someone... cut my hair?" i requested, shocking my friends.

"But, it's so long!"

"You love your hair!"

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