chapter six

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"We're still weeks away from reaching the North Pole!" Aang cried, "How am i supposed to save the world by next summer when i haven't mastered waterbending yet?"

"Aang, please calm down." Katara held Aang's hand, gesturing him to sit down with her. "We'll figure this out. Besides, i can teach you everything i know so far to get you started." She smiled widely, her postive attitude comforting Aang.

"I wouldn't worry about it. I mean, it only took you 112 years to master airbending." Sokka joked as he guided Appa to fly towards a certain direction.

"I don't think that helped, Sokka." I rolled my eyes at the sarcastic guy, but let out a laugh. The wind caused my hair to fly into mouth, making me choke a bit.

"Katara, I'd love to learn a thing or two from you." Aang hugged his crush. It was a little obvious, but i'm not sure if Katara and Sokka were aware of it. I grinned at their cuteness.

"Don't we need to find a good source of water first?" I asked.


"Well, maybe we can find a puddle for you guys to splash in." Sokka mocked, continuing his jokes.


"I don't believe it."

We somehow managed the find a beautiful location, with a clear river and giant waterfall. Aang and Katara were staring at the place in awe.

"Nice puddle, right?" I teased Sokka.

Appa made himself comfortable and swam into the lake. Since he was so big, he sent a wave over to Momo, knocking him off of his rock. Appa began rolling around in the water, enjoying himself.

"Wait for me, boy!" Aang called out to Appa.

"Don't you remember why we're here?" Katara reminded, being the mom friend.

"Oh, right." Aang blushed.

"Great, so what are Mo and I supposed to do?" I winced at the nickname, since Zuko and Iroh were the first to come up with it. However, i won't stop my new friends from using it. Sometimes 'Motoko' can be a little long.

"You guys can clean the junk out of Appa's toes!" Aang handed Sokka and I each a stick.

"While you guys are playing with water, the newcomer and I are supposed to be hard at work, picking mud out of a giant bison's feet?" Sokka sighed. "Fine."

Sokka and I made our way towards Appa, grabbing his paws from underneath the water and getting to work.

"It's not a bad time to bond a little. Don't you agree?" I started a discussion with the watertribe boy.

"Yeah, why not." He shrugged in return.

"I think you're really funny." I complimented, digging deeper into Appa's fur to fish out the bugs.

"Thanks, it's my best feature." Sokka dropped the stick and placed both his hands on his hips. "So what was your life like before this whole thing? Before Zuko?"

"My father is the first governor of the Fire Nation. I have a sister, she's a year younger than me, and there's also my brother Tom-Tom, he's just a toddler. I didn't do much, I mostly trained." I talked about my life and family.

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