chapter sixteen

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The gang and I have been on quite the adventure lately. After the events of Omashu, we stumbled upon a swamp that Aang said was calling to him. turns out the center of that swamp had a tree that connected the world, making it pretty mystical. Being there, we all had visions of people we've lost in our lives. Katara saw her mom, Sokka saw Yue, and I saw a younger version of Zuko, back when he was the happiest person in the world. For Aang, it was different. He saw a girl he's never seen before, and she was with a flying boar. Aang is hoping he'd find out what that vision meant soon enough.

The next day we came across a town that was celebrating 'Avatar Day'. Turns out, they hated the avatars, including Aang because Avatar Kiyoshi killed their leader over 300 years ago. Aang tried proving his innocence for the longest time, but didn't have any luck, until The Fire Nation attacked and tried destroying the village. Aang saved everyone, and they were grateful. They changed Avatar Day, making it a festival to celebrate Aang in his honor.

"It's pricey, but I really do like it." Sokka debated, trying to make up his mind about buying a bag that appealed to him in a nearby shop. We were currently in a local Earth Kingdom town.

"You should get it, you deserve something nice." Katara encouraged him.

"I do, don't I? No, it's too expensive." Sokka placed his hand on his chin as he stared at the bag he fancied.

"Alright, then don't." I helped Sokka decide, then made my way back into town with Aang and Katara.

"Wait, I'm gonna get it." Sokka called out then purchased the bag.

"Psst! Hey, you kids like eartbending?" A random villager approached me, Aang and Katara. "You like throwing rocks? Well, check out Master Yu's eartbending academy!" He gave Aang a flyer then walked away.

"Look, there's a coupon on the back." Aang pointed out as he flipped the flyer. "The first lesson is free."

"Who knows? This Master Yu could be the teacher you're looking for." Katara guessed, telling Aang to give it a try.


"Uh, he's not the one." Said Aang as he left the academy, walking back towards our group while we loitered outside.

"That's too bad." I shrugged.

"I think the boulder is gonna win back the belt at Earth Rumble 6!" Two teenagers began talking as they left the academy after Aang. "He's gonna have to fight his way through the best earthbenders in the world to even get a shot at the champ."

"Excuse me, but where is this earthbending tournament?" Aang galloped towards them, requesting information.

"It's on the island of Noneoya." One of the boys replied. "None o' ya business!" The boys snorted then walked off.

Sokka let out a laugh. "I need to remember that one."

"I'll take care of this." I gave Aang a pat on his shoulder then skipped towards the boys once they turned the corner. "Strong guys, wait up!"

"What do you want?" They turned around and glared at me. I kissed my finger then quickly zapped one of the boys in the neck, making him pass out temporarily, and carefully without revealing my lightning. It was moments like these that make me thankful to really know my way around a dangerous skill.

"How did you do that? Don't hurt me!" The other boy panicked.

"Where is Earth Rumble 6?"


"Front row seats." Aang stated as we walked through the stoned bleachers to find good spots. "I wonder why no one else is sitting here."

Suddenly a rock flew towards us that came from the stage, nearly hitting Sokka and crashed into the seats next to ours.

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