chapter four

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It's been a few days since we last saw the avatar and his friends. Our last encounter was on Kiyoshi Island. Instead of succeeding, we were beaten by the avatar and the kiyoshi warriors, and we might've accidentally burned the village. I'm not proud of that one.

Zuko was stressing out a little bit, worried that Commander Zhao has captured the avatar. Iroh has been reassuring him that everything is fine, and that he will have the avatar in his hands again soon. Although Iroh supports Zuko and follows his lead, we've been discussing things on the side. We both believe Zuko should move on from his past life, and start a new chapter somewhere new, settling down and only worrying about his two most prized possessions, me and Iroh. The three of us could start a new life, not caring about anything else except each other. Sure i have my family, but they support the Fire Lord too. I'm hoping to make Zuko come to his senses and realize the importance of life. I could give it a try and have a serious talk with him.

"Uncle, it's time to leave, where are you?" Zuko and i were searching for Iroh, he disappeared after we stopped in the middle of nowhere to take care of a few things before continuing the hunt for the avatar.

"Over here!"


We pushed a large bush out of the way to get a clear view of Iroh, which we regretted instantly. He was naked in a bath spring that he must've created and heated up himself.

"Uncle, we need to move on!" Zuko whined. "We're closing in on the avatar's trail, and i don't want to lose him." If i had a sip of cactus juice for everytime Zuko talked about the avatar, i'd think the clouds in they sky were cotton balls.

"You both look tired, why don't you join me in these hot springs? You guys can share one, the one right behind me." Iroh requested as he began steaming up the water with his nose, another reason they call him 'the Dragon of the West'. "Soak away your troubles."

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." I stated, dirty images popping into my mind.

"My troubles cannot be soaked away, it's time to go!" Zuko continued shouting, rejecting the man's offer.

"You should take your teacher's advice, and relax a little." Iroh leaned back into the bath spring, closing his eyes. "The temperature is just right."

"Enough." Zuko began fanning away the steam that was in his face. "We need to leave now!" He whined once again.

"Just get out of the water, Iroh." I spoke calmly, knowing we were just wasting our time being here anyways.

"Very well!" Iroh stood up, not bothering to hide his junk. Zuko shielded my eyes, not wanting me to pay attention towards his uncle's private parts.

"On second thought, you can have a few more minutes. Just, make sure you're back in half an hour. Or else, we're leaving without you." Zuko removed his hand from my face, but turned me around so i was facing the forest behind us. I heard Iroh let out a moan, along with a splash of water. He must've gone back in.

Zuko put his hand on my lower back and directed me to walk towards our ship which wasn't too far away. After taking a few steps, i decided it was time to have that talk with him.

"Can i talk you about something?" I looked up at him, waiting for a response. We stopped walking, then he looked down at me, confusion written all over his face.

"Yeah, what is it?" He inquired.

"Well i just want to know, what's more important to you? Being with your uncle and girlfriend, or going back to the Fire Nation, and sucking up to that loser of a Fire Lord?"

"Don't talk about my dad like that." Zuko urged.

"Zuko, i'm just telling the truth. Your father doesn't care about you, as much as it hurts to say that. But i love and care about you, Iroh too." This was my chance to open his eyes, and to make him see the reality. I wasn't turning back now.

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