chapter thirty-three

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Hey everyone! before you start this chapter, i wanted to show you where my inspiration for Motoko came from.

if you don't already know, the character was inspired by Motoko Aoyama from Love Hina. I watched that anime a long time ago and instantly fell in love with her character. i even played a dating sim of that show and always chose her path lol. Before i started this fanficton, i always imagined that once i finally do, she would be Zuko's love interest. So yeah, that's what i picture my Motoko looks like as i'm writing. If you're not the biggest fan of it, just imagine a different version of Mai, except she has longer, straighter hair with bangs (before Sokka cut it, of course). i hope you like this cool addition to your imagination! If not, just pretend this never happened...

if there's anything else you'd like or you have a question or two, don't be afraid to ask!

now, let's continue the story!


There were too many of us on Appa, so he couldn't handle taking us all to the Western Air Temple without stopping. Since we were too much weight for him, we decided to take a break from flying and do some walking.

"This is humiliating." Katara sighed, walking with her head down. Everyone was sweating by now, and it was especially warm out today. My feet began to hurt from all the walking and i could predict that they would go numb soon.

"You mean failing the mission or having to walk all the way to the Western Air Temple?" Sokka wondered, wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

"Both." Katara frowned and started walking slower.

"Sorry guys, but Appa gets tired carrying all these people." Aang reminded, petting his bison as he walked beside him.

"I wonder how the rest of the troops are." Teo pondered as he turned the wheels of his wheelchair, pushing himself to move forward.

"They're probably on their way to a prison. It seems like my dad just got out, and now he's going back." Haru theorized as his face scowled. I felt bad for these people, but there's nothing i could've done.

"I miss Pipsqueak." The Duke confessed.

"I miss not having blisters on my feet." Sokka complained, making a face every time he took a step.

"I feel you, brother." I looked over at him, seeing him shrug in return.

"Yeah, whatever. We don't have another choice."

"Hey, we're here!" Toph exclaimed as we reached the end of the cliff. "I can feel it."

"I think your feet need their eyes checked." I joked, seeing nothing ahead of us, except for land miles away. "We're all staring at air."

"No, she's right!" Aang confirmed. "We are here."

Sokka and i shared the same look of confusion, thinking our friends have officially broke, trying to hold our laughs in.

"Wow, it's amazing." Toph continued, making Sokka and i finally let out a few snorts.

"Are you guys okay?" Sokka became serious again, probably thinking that our friends needed a doctor.

"Guys, it's below us."



"What a stunning view."

"The only view i'm interested in seeing, is the avatar in chains."

"You know, the avatar hasn't been seen for a hundred years. The chances of finding him here is very slim.

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