Boys At Camp | 1

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I closed my eyes, beginning to fall asleep on the bus when I heard a loud bang. My eyes shot open and I looked over to the seat next to me. The kid was shoved to the floor by his bus buddy. I smirked and leaned my head on the window, closing my eyes once again.

Someone sat down next to me and I opened my eyes again. I glared at the kid, not in the mood to deal with some annoying prick. "Go away." I said, my glare threatening. "Hey hey, my bus buddy kicked me out of my seat." He said, raising his hands in defense.

"Doesn't sound like a very good buddy." I replied, sarcasm dripping from my voice. He chuckled, apparently finding my attitude amusing. "Fuck off." I said, turning my head and, once again, closing my eyes. I attempted to fall asleep but the kid kept shaking his leg, which was bumping my knee.

"Will you fucking stop that!?" I finally yelled, placing my hand on his knee to stop the shaking. He smirked when he looked down at my hand and I immediately moved it. "Perv." I mumbled, not even trying to fall asleep anymore. I guess I'd just be tired when we got to camp.

"Why are you in such a sour mood?" He asked, glancing at me. "Do I just look like a ray of sunshine to you?" I asked, gesturing to my black clothing. "You seemed nice enough back at school." He shrugged. "You don't even know me." I said, pushing my bleach blonde hair out of my eyes.

He shrugged again and finally shut up, leaving me with some peace and quiet, besides the hushed whispers of the other kids on the bus. I closed my eyes, trying to get in a little sleep before we arrived at the camp. My plans for the summer had been to sleep in every day, but were ruined when my mom told me I needed to get out there and make some 'friends'.

Friends were overrated. All I need is music in my life. Jesus Christ that sounded cliché as hell. Seeing that I wasn't going to get comfortable with my head leaned on the window, I raised my head. Not even thinking about it I laid my head on the kid's shoulder.

I eventually fell asleep, not even realizing it. I woke up to someone shaking me awake. I growled lowly and the person stopped shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed the position I was in. I raised my head so fast I thought I might get whiplash.

I ran my hand through my messy hair in trying to fix it, but failed. My hair seemed to be a permanent mess. "It seems my shoulder is quite comfortable." The kid smirked at me. I glared in return, looking around the bus. We were the only people left.

I pushed him out of the seat and he fell in the floor with a grunt. I smirked down at him and stood up, stepping off the bus. He followed and glared at me, wiping some dirt off his shoulder. I smiled innocently at him, grabbed my bag, and followed one of the counselors to where we were supposed to be going.

I eventually made it over to where everybody else was, smiling triumphantly. The kid followed me over and stood right beside me just to annoy the hell out of me. "Fucking annoying." I mumbled under my breath, listening for my name and roommate.

"Elliot Grey and Nate Wallace." One of the volunteers said, making my head shoot up when I heard my name. "Elliot and Nate, you get cabin 14." She said, glancing up from her clipboard. I tuned out the rest of the names she called until she was finally done.

"Okay everyone, time to head to the cabins." She said with a smile plastered on her face. She seemed alright, but the rest of the volunteers looked like snobs that belonged in a beauty salon. I followed the group to the cabins and eventually found cabin 14. My roommate, Nate, was already standing there.

He looked kind of bored but wore a smile on his face. I gave him a small smile back and walked up to him. He was cute, with a small figure and messy brown hair. "Did you get the cabin keys yet?" I asked once I was close enough for him to hear me.

"Yeah, that chick just gave me one." He said, holding up a couple of cabin keys. "She said if we lose em' she has extra." He said, handing me a key. "Thanks." I mumbled, opening the cabin. It was a decent size with a small kitchen and dining room. The bedroom had two separate beds on opposite sides of the room, with gray and white sheets.

It was nice enough. The living room had a couch and a love seat with a small TV sitting on a stand. It was cozy. "It's pretty nice." Nate said, walking into the living room with me. "Yeah." I nodded my head in agreement. I walked back into the room and set my stuff down, opening up my suitcase.

I took out a pair of sweats and took off my shirt. I changed out of my skinny jeans and into the sweats, hopping on my bed. I put my hands behind my head and sighed. I missed my sister from back home. She was annoying as hell, but I still missed her. I would always read her a story before bed and it felt weird not doing that.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. It was small, with a little shower and a sink. I went back into the bedroom and got my toothbrush and toothpaste out of my suitcase, taking it into the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and went back into the room.

I flopped down face first on my bed, ready to get some sleep. "Ahem." Someone said from behind me. "What?" I said, but it was muffled by the pillow. I rolled on to my back and looked up, seeing the kid from earlier. "What the hell are you doing in here?" I questioned him suspiciously.

"Nice to see you too." He rolled his eyes at me and sat down on Nate's bed. "I'm your roommate's best friend." He said, a smirk on his face. My eyes widened in horror and I scooted back on my bed. "Oh god, I'm gonna die." I said, smashing a pillow over my face. "Wait, what's your name?" I asked. "Chase." He said. "Chase Hollows."

Boys At Camp ✓ (BoyxBoy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon