Boys At Camp | Epilogue

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A year had passed since Chase, Nate, Jake, Liam and I had been at Camp Joseph. Liam and I were going to a local community college while Chase, Nate and Jake moved a couple towns over to study there. They lived in the dorms at their college, so Liam and I usually let them come visit us so that we wouldn't all be crammed in a tiny room.

Jake and Jay got together, finally. I always had shipped them together. Liam and I were still going steady, and Chase and Nate were officially an item now, though I think they'd had a bromance even before I came to camp.

"Elliot!" Liam called my name from the bathroom. We'd moved into a small apartment with some money our parents had given us for college, both of us working part-time jobs.

"What?" I called back, finishing up the report I'd been working on.

"We're outta toilet paper, write it on the list."

"Alright, when are the guys gonna be here?" I asked, saving my Google doc and closing my laptop.

"I think they said they were about 20 minutes away, but I texted Chase a bit ago so they should be here any minute now." Liam said, walking into the living room with me.

"Okay, it's almost 5:00, so I guess we can just go to McDonald's or something. I was getting hungry anyway."

Liam nodded his head, pulling his phone out of his pocket and texting Chase. After a few minutes of Liam and me killing time there was a knock on the door. Liam stood up and walked over to the door, checking through the peep hole to make sure it was the guys.

He opened the door and welcomed them inside, a smile adorning his face.

"Hey guys, hey Elliot." Nate said as he walked through the doorway.

"Hey Nate." I said, pulling him in for a bro hug. "How's it goin', dude?"

"Man, I've been good. College is going well, I'm doing pretty good in all my classes, I'm studying to become a doctor."

"Damn dude, you already decided what you want to study? I haven't even gotten that far yet. I'm still working on getting my English grade up." I said with a small laugh.

Nate chuckled and sat down on the couch. We all chatted for a little while, just catching up, seeing how college was going for everyone, the works.

"Alright, I'm hungry as hell, let's go to McDonald's already." Chase said, standing up and heading for the door.

I laughed and got up, following him out the door, along with the rest of the guys. Jake was talking quietly with Jake, apparently not having gotten over his shyness. I never understood why he was still shy around us, we'd all been close for a year now.

"Goddamn, I'm so hungry. The only thing I ate yesterday was you." Liam said cheekily, unlocking his car once we'd made it out to the parking lot.

"Shut up, I can't help it that I'm tasty, alright?" I chuckled, whacking Liam on the shoulder.

"We'll meet you guys there." Jay said, him and Jake hopping in his car.

"Alright, see you guys in a bit." Nate called with a wave, getting in the backseat of Liam's car.

Liam, Chase and I all got in the car as well and Liam revved the engine, pulling out of the parking lot and heading for McDonald's. After about a 10 minute drive we pulled into the McDonald's parking lot. Liam parked the car and we all piled out, heading inside the small building.

Jake and Jay pulled in a couple minutes later and came inside, then we all ordered our food and sat down.

"So, how's y'all's sex life?" Chase asked, glancing at me as he sipped his soda. I choked on my sweet tea, coughing hysterically.

"What the hell kind of question is that!?" I yelled, shaking my now dark red locks out of my eyes.

"Just making conversation.." He shrugged, grinning when the worker brought us our food.

"Fuckin' weirdo." I grumbled, taking a handful of fries and shoving them in my mouth.

Nate was laughing to himself and Jay was trying to stop himself from laughing but failed miserably. Even Jake was laughing, and he hardly ever even makes a noise when he's around us.

"Anyways, how's life been?" Jay asked, taking a bite of his fish sandwich.

"Pretty good for me, the sex is great. And for the record, Chase is a bottom." Nate said, tossing a nugget into his mouth.

This time it was Chase's turn to be embarrassed, and it was funny as hell to watch him blush.

"Shut up, you wouldn't let me top, ya' asshole." He grumbled, munching on his fries.

"'Cause you aren't a top. I mean, considering you made fun of me for being a bottom, this is just straight up karma." I laughed, taking a long sip of my tea.

"I wouldn't say straight up.." Jay snickered, laughing even harder when Chase through a fry at him.

"Quit making fun of me, bitch, or me and you's gonna throw fists." Chase said, balling his hands into fists threateningly.

"Oh god, I'm soooo scared.." Jay sighed, holding his hand to his chest dramatically.

"Bitch you should be, don't fuck with me. I have the power of god and anime on my side. HAAAA!" Chase yelled, earning the stares of everyone at the McDonald's.

"Gentlemen, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. You're making far too much noise and disrupting our customers." One of the workers said, coming towards our table.

"Fine then, I don't even like this place anyways." Chase said, standing up and grabbing his food.

"C'mon guys, let's go elsewhere." Chase said, glaring at the worker and leaving the restaurant.

We all stood up and grabbed our food, following Chase out of the McDonald's.

"Well this will surely be marked off of my bucket list. 'Getting kicked out of McDonald's.' Check." Jake said, the first time he'd spoke since we'd been here.

"Well, we should probably be heading back. We've got a lecture to go to." Jay said, grabbing Jake's hand.

"Yeah, I've got a tutoring session for my calculus class." Nate said, hopping in Jay's car.

"Alright, bye guys." I said with a wave to Chase, Nate, Jake and Jay.

"Bye Elliot, bye Liam." Nate said, waving at Liam and me.

We all exchanged our goodbyes, then the guys left, leaving Liam and me in the parking lot.

"Well I guess we should probably head back." Liam sighed, intertwining our fingers.

"Yeah, I guess." I sighed as well, climbing into Liam's car.

"We can go seem them next weekend." Liam promised, smiling slightly at me.

"Yeah, I know. I just hate not getting to see them all the time like the old days at camp."

"Yeah, I miss it too. But we can get through this, we've just gotta stick together and make it through college."

I nodded my head with a sad smile, leaning over and pecking Liam on the lips.

"Thanks Liam, you're always there for me."

He smiled, then pulled out of the McDonald's parking lot.


So I finally got around to writing the epilogue to Boys At Camp since it was requested, so here it is. Hopefully you enjoyed it, I enjoyed writing this story and it's probably gonna go down in history as my fav book that I've written. If you liked this epilogue then make sure to vote and comment.

P.S. this is the last chapter, as in the story is now fully completed. Hope you enjoyed it!

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