Boys At Camp | 16

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**Elliot's POV**


I led the way back to the cabin, all of us walking in comfortable silence. The sky looked kinda gray, like it might start raining soon, so I tried to hurry as we walked. I really didn't wanna get caught up in a storm. We finally made it back to the cabin, but of course, the door was locked.

I knocked on the door and heard shuffling, then someone said in a hushed voice, "Put your clothes on and answer the door!" I bit my lip to contain my laughter, 'cause I had a feeling I knew what Chase and Nate were doing in there.. Finally, after a few minutes of waiting, Chase answered the door in only a pair of loose athletic shorts.

"Oh, hey guys." He said, attempting to catch his breath and act natural, a light coat of sweat on his body. "Uh, are you okay?" Jake asked, his innocent mind not understanding what was going on in there. "I'm fine." Chase mumbled, opening the door further so that we could enter the cabin. Nate was lying on his bed, his shirt off, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans.

"Oh god, what were you two doing in here?" Liam asked, scrunching his nose up. "We were just watching a movie." Chase said, obviously lying. "Without a TV?" Liam snickered. "Uh.. We, I-" I cut him off with a fit of laughter. Liam began laughing, too. "Bro........ Your.......... Face...." I said in between laughs, clutching my stomach.

"We know what you guys were doing in here." Liam said, laughing along with me. "What?" Jake was obviously confused, not understanding why we were laughing at Chase and Nate. "They were having sex." I said, glancing over at Jake to make sure he understood. He raised his eyebrows, looking between Chase and Nate like he couldn't believe it.

"You were doing what?" He looked like he couldn't believe it. "Damn, even I wouldn't have predicted that bromance.." Jake said, smirking at Nate. "Shut up." Nate grumbled, crossing his arms over his bare chest. Jake just started laughing along with Liam and me, while Chase and Nate were over there getting salty.

They both put shirts on and left to go to Chase's cabin, since he didn't even live in our cabin, he was just always here 24/7. "Wanna head over to the lake?" Liam asked, glancing over at me. "Sure." I shrugged and we both changed into some swim trunks, then left Jake in the cabin. I felt like it was kinda rude to leave him there, but he didn't ask to come so..

By the time we got down to the lake, it had cooled down a bit. The clouds were covering the sky, making it a hazy gray color. "Are you sure you wanna swim?" I asked. "It looks like it's gonna rain." Liam looked up at the sky, noticing that it was no longer sunny outside. "Eh, let's go ahead and swim for a bit. If it rains then we can head back." He said, running off the dock and doing a cannon ball into the lake.

I laughed and followed him, making a big ass splash as I landed in the water. "Damn, you made a big splash for such a small dude." He said, laughing slightly. "Yeah." I nodded my head and let out a small laugh. But just as soon as we started enjoying ourselves, it started pouring. "Shit!" Liam hissed as the rain came down.

"Let's go." He grabbed my arm and practically dragged me out of the water, not wanting to stay in the rain a minute longer. We ran through the camp grounds, desperately trying to get out of the storm. Within a minute, my hair was soaked and sticking to my forehead. Between the rain and my hair, it was almost impossible for me to see five feet in front of me.

I could just barely make out Liam running in front of me, still holding onto my hand tightly, careful not to let go. We finally made it back to the cabin and burst through the door, both of us soaked in water. "Shit, I didn't realize how bad the storm was outside." Nate said, him and Chase back inside the cabin.

"Yeah, don't go out there." Liam said, leaning over to catch his breath from all the running. "Damn, my hair's gonna be all tangled now." I sighed, trying to fix my hair. "Out of all of that, all you care about is your damn hair?" Liam sighed, shaking his head at me. "What? My hair's my most important feature." I said, shaking my head to get the water out of my hair.

Small water droplets fell to the ground as I shook my head, attempting to dry my hair. "Stupid rain." I said. "Get over it, we were bound to get some bad weather eventually. This is like, the first time it's rained all summer." Nate said. "I know, and I still hate rain. All it does is wreck my plans for the day." I sighed, walking into the bathroom to get a couple towels for me and Liam.

I grabbed a couple towels and tossed one to Liam, then began to dry my hair and body. "Man, I didn't realize how hot you were, Elliot." Chase said, licking his lips. "Taken." I said, raising my head up and narrowing my eyes at Chase. "Besides, you've got your boy-toy over there now." I said, gesturing to Nate, who was standing there glaring at Chase.

"I am not a boy-toy!" Nate said defensively, turning his glare on me. "Yes you are." "No I'm not." "Yes you are." "Am not!" "Are too." "Am not!" "Are too." "Will you guys shut up already?" Liam sighed, looking between Nate and me. "You guys act like you're in the first grade." "I'm childish and I'm proud." I said, putting my hands on my hips and standing in a superhero stance.

"Retard." Liam grumbled, drying his hair. "Shut up." I said with a pout. "I have a poor choice in boyfriends." He sighed. I scoffed and fixed him with a glare. "I am one of a kind! You're lucky to be able to tap all this!" I said, gesturing at my amazing body. He rolled his eyes, but a small smile consumed his face.

"So uh, what are we gonna do now?" Nate asked, gesturing to the rain pelting the windows. "I have no idea.." I said, glancing outside. "Video games?" Chase said. We all nodded and followed Chase into the living room, ready to play some Call Of Duty.


So here's the update. I wanted to get a chapter out since the story's at 1k reads, which I'm super happy about btw. Thx for all the love and support for the story guys, don't foget to vote and comment! :)

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