Boys At Camp | 2

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He just had to be friends with Chase, didn't he. Just my luck; I didn't get him as a roommate, but he's probably gonna be over all the goddamn time.. I sighed and covered up my bare torso when I noticed Chase staring, making me uncomfortable. "Why are you staring at me, fag?" I said, a small smirk consuming my face.

He shook his head and looked up, meeting my eyes. "No homo." He said. I nodded my head since that instantly ungayed the situation. I uncovered my stomach and got up, not feeling safe sleeping with Chase in the cabin. He was still untrustworthy to me.

I dug through my bag and retrieved my phone, letting out a triumphant yell. "What the hell was that noise, though?" Chase laughed. "What? Are you judging me now? Huh, huh!?" I yelled, getting all up in his face. "Hey, chill dude." He said, pushing my chest lightly so I would back up.

"I'm not judging you." He said. "You're just weird." I scoffed, taking offense to that. "You have no right to judge me." I said, pointing an accusing finger at him. "How so?" He asked, challenging me. "Well, I didn't wanna say this but..." He motioned for me to go on.

"You're trash at Fortnite." I said. "OHHHHHHHH! ROASTED!" Nate yelled from the other room, adding dramatic effect. Chase's eyes widened. "I am not!" He yelled in protest. "Are too." I said, doing the orange justice dance.

"I'd like to see you do better." He said, crossing his arms and sticking his nose up in the air. "Okay, let's see who can get more kills." I said. I went over to my bag and carefully got my PS4 out. "Wow, you literally brought your PS4?" He laughed, amused at my love for gaming.

Hey, just because I'm emo doesn't mean I don't like my video games.. I took my PS4 and controllers into the living room and hooked it up. "Oh sweet, you brought your PS4!?" Nate yelled when he came back into the room. "Hell yeah." I said, putting the controllers on the chargers.

"Nice!" He yelled. "I know." I said, a smug smile on my face. We played for a couple more hours, and eventually it was almost two in the morning. "Alright, I'm goin' to bed, fam." I said, getting off of the couch and walking into the bedroom. I laid down in bed and closed my eyes, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


I woke up to one of the counselors banging on the door to our cabin, annoying the hell out of me. "WE'RE FUCKING AWAKE!!" I finally yelled, stuffing a pillow over my face to muffle the noise. The banging stopped and the counselor left, going on to the next cabin.

I lazily got out of bed and went into the bathroom, turning the shower on. I made sure to lock the door and stripped down, stepping into the shower once it was warm. The warm water consumed me, relaxing every muscle in my body. The water massaged my back, which was stiff from the cheap cabin mattress.

I cleaned my body and got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist. I shook my head violently to get the water out of my hair and walked into the bedroom. I opened my suitcase and picked out some black ripped skinnies, a Palaye Royale shirt, and black vans.

I threw my bag in the corner and grabbed my phone off the nightstand, checking the time. It was only 9 o'clock, so I still had some time to go get breakfast. I ran into the bathroom and quickly brushed my hair and my teeth, then headed to the cafeteria for breakfast. As soon as I walked through the doors my nose was engulfed by the smell of syrup.

I looked over at the line for food and could see they were serving waffles. I smiled slightly, remembering when my dad would make me waffles every Saturday morning before him and my mom split. Now my dad barely got out of bed on Saturdays, much less to make breakfast.

I jumped in the line and grabbed a tray. The workers put waffles and syrup on my plate, then I went to sit down at a table. I didn't see anyone that I liked so I sat at a table by myself, eating my waffles slowly and savoring the taste. For summer camp food it tasted damn good. After I finished my food I dumped my tray, then left to find the lake.

After mindlessly walking around for about twenty minutes I finally found the lake, sitting down in a nice shady spot. I sat there, watching the fast current of the water. It was a beautiful day, and the water sparkled when the sun hit it just perfectly, making it a gorgeous sight.

I smiled softly, then I heard footsteps come from behind me. Chase plopped down right beside me and looked out over the lake with me. "Beautiful, isn't it?" He finally said, not taking his eyes off the water. "Yeah, it's beautiful." I smiled softly. My family used to always go to the lake together during the summer, but I hadn't been since my parents divorced.

And that was two years ago. "So what are we doing today?" I asked, curious of what the plans for the day were. "Counselor said we were just hangin' out at the lake today." He said, a small smile on his face. "What are you smiling about?" I asked, his smile making me smile.

"Oh nothing, just the fact that I get to see you shirtless." He said, glancing over at me. I scoffed, and he just smirked. "Just for that, I'm gonna wear a tank top all day." I said stubbornly. "Have fun swimming in a shirt." He laughed. "Shut up." I said, the smile not leaving my face.

"Well, I'm gonna go change into my swim trunks." He said, standing up and walking back to his cabin. I nodded my head at him and eventually stood up, going to change into my swim trunks. I took off down the trail to the cabins and went in the right one, changing into my black swim trunks. I looked at myself in the mirror to make sure that I looked good.

Hey, just 'cause I'm a guy doesn't mean that I don't care about my looks. I walked outside and ran down to the lake, seeing a huge crowd of people already there. "Welcome all to the 20th year of Camp Joseph! Now, Joseph Ridge would like to say a few words to you all." The announcer said into the microphone.

The guy I assumed to be Joseph came out on stage and started talking about the other years of camp and all that shit, then he said we could go swim. "Let's all have a great year at Camp Joseph!" Was the last thing he said before we all jumped off the dock and into the lake.

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