░ Chapter Two

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"Do you really think BTS can do this?" 

Their leader raised one scrutinizing eyebrow as he played with his pen in his hand, twirling it here and there. "What makes you think that?"

His left-hand man, Kyuhyun, frowned. "I don't know. They're just...a bunch of kids. They seem to be a little raucous to me and not that careful, you know."

The man snorted at this. "Mm, that may be true, but they work clean. I've never seen anyone more efficient than them. You know the Kakashi Ochida Robbery? It was all over the news."

Kyuhyun nodded his head. Everyone knew about that. "It's the one where the boxer Kakashi Ochida had his championship belt stolen, isn't it? It was rumored that the belt was made of real deal gold and diamond. The culprit was never found."

His boss nodded smugly, and it was the time that he realized it. "W-wait, don't tell me they were the ones who...?"

"Do you really think I'd hire them for no reason? They're good, really good. If anyone can do this, it would be them."

"But Han-ssi, how sure are we that they'll not sell us out?"

His boss snorted again. "Oh, they won't. You know what happens to traitors. And I've been observing them for a while now. They're not that type. They don't involve authorities or law in their arguments or any misunderstanding. That tactic is only for losers, and luckily, they're not one."

"Well, you better make it clear to them what's gonna happen if they double-cross us. I still think we should just do it ourselves," Kyuhyun said, scowling at the glass of wine he was holding. 

"Kyuhyun, my boy, you know that wouldn't be possible," the boss said. The two of them both turned their eyes to the huge pinboard right in front of them. Different clippings from books and geographic pictures were pinned to the board. In the middle were pictures of five artifacts, all beautiful to the eyes. "We need them to get the job done faster, and safer. If something goes wrong, it might cause trouble for us. And you know I don't like trouble."

Sighing, he nodded and walked towards the pinboard. His hand found its way to one of the pictures of the artifacts. The rarest. It was all black, as if void of anything good. And yet, it was the most beautiful of all.

"Boss!" another man suddenly entered the room. His hand was holding a phone.

"Hmm?" their leader replied. 

"Someone wants to speak to you."

"Who is it?"


Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow and watched as his boss took the phone. His boss was silent for a few moments, but he could see the confusion in his face, his eyebrows furrowing the more he was on the phone. Moments later, there was an outburst.


  •YG• »» ♥ «« •JM•


Yoongi did a 90 degrees bow when the Head of Security came out to speak with him. He was thankful they didn't question his excuse or reprimanded him for what happened. Heck, he was thankful that they hired him here. But it's not like there was any reason for them to refuse his application. He was too overqualified and he might just be the only person who had such awesome track record to apply for a job to them.

Like Jin said, he was the best detective in Seoul. 

Yoongi smirked, getting lost in his thoughts. When Mr. Lee, the Head of Security in the National Museum of Korea, addressed him, he quickly shook his head and tried to focus. He could revere on his genius self later.

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