░ Chapter Sixteen

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They were given about two weeks and a half to prepare for the heist. Normally, it wouldn't be enough time frame for the whole planning as this one was quite harder than their normal heists. Still, Jimin knew that their leader would be able to come up with a really good strategy.

"Sol Gems?" Namjoon asked when Jimin told him about what Yoongi mentioned. It's cute how Yoongi seemed to think that their leader already knew about this. The ex-detective seemed to think highly of BTS' leader. It's endearing.

"Yes, Yoongi said they're called Sol Gems."

"Jimin, what did I tell you about getting involved with Min Yoongi?" Namjoon said with a sigh. Despite his averse comment on Jimin meeting Yoongi again, their leader only shrugged, not really expecting for an answer from him. Instead, he went to his computer and started searching about Sol Gems.

Now that they have this information, Jimin knew they could get ahead Yoongi. The detective might know a lot of things, but he didn't have the system and connections that they have.

"This is interesting," Namjoon said after a short while of browsing. "The pink diamond, the jade, the opal... They're all part of the five gems that were supposedly created by a group of Mayans that lived in an island near Guatemala." Namjoon frowned.

Hoseok, who was listening to them while washing his Silver Jaguar E Type 1961—which was making the large space of their hideout wet but nobody was really complaining because everyone loved Hoseok—grunted in confusion. "What's with Guatemala? Isn't that a place far away from South Korea?"

Namjoon nodded. "Yup, it's on the other side of the world, Hobi."

"What the heck..." Jimin remarked, now also confused. If it's from that place, why were the gems here in Korea? "But I thought the Beauté Rose was a national treasure?"

"It is. But it may not have been from South Korea. It was owned by Emperor Sejong of Joseon Dynasty, but there was a theory that it was only given to him as a gift by a foreign western king who came to trade. The theory might be correct after all."

"Dun dun dun duuuuun. And the plot thickens," Hoseok said as he washed his car.

•YG• »» ♥ «« •JM•

"I just spoke to our client, the Master, as they call him," was Namjoon's first words when everyone had arrived in his office. He called them for a meeting. This was something important. Especially now that they know what these gems were. What their client was trying to do.

"What did he say, boss?" Jungkook asked.

"He said someone stole the other gem that we were supposed to steal. They tried looking for it in the black market but there was not a single trace of it."

The news seemed to poke an interest in Taehyung as the boy leaned closer to hear more. "What gem is this?"

"It's a golden pearl, and as expected, it's one of the five Sol Gems." Namjoon looked at Jimin knowingly. He was able to search more about the so-called Sol Gems after the night Jimin mentioned it. Least to say, he was surprised with all the things he found out. Everything made more sense now.

He was impressed Yoongi knew about it already. Not surprising, though. Namjoon was just a little pissed that the detective (or ex-detective) was ahead of him in knowing about this information.

"Do they know what happened? Or at least who?" Jimin asked, his eyes wide like the cute little mochi he was. His code name suited him well.

"It seems to be a plain robbery. The thief stole other stuff, too, and the gold pearl just happened to be one of the jewelry that he got away with," their leader explained. "They even thought it was us. I, of course, assured him that we weren't even aware it existed." At least at that time when it was stolen. Namjoon already knew about it after doing his research on Sol Gems in the deep web.

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