░ Chapter Four

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"Are you sure you've been eating well?! I'm seriously kicking your ass if I find out all you're eating is instant ramen!"

Yoongi yawned. He didn't need this. He absolutely, definitely, certainly, did not need this. His head was starting to ache and all he wanted was to sleep. Jin's nagging, being awake at an hour when a human should've been asleep, and preparing for the most boring job on earth were not a good combination.

"I ate proper food, Jin," he said, yawning again. Even after showering, he still felt sleepy. Yoongi had always thought nothing could come between him and his precious sleep. Even when he was a detective, he slept when he wanted to. Now though... 

What is life even?

Yoongi sighed and rubbed his eyes as he shrugged on his leather jacket. It was a little cold outside and his stupid guard uniform wasn't good enough. His head was in an odd angle, keeping the phone between his shoulder and his head to listen to Jin. 

"You are living such an unhealthy life, child. You said you ate proper food? Well, tell me then, what are you eating?" 

He glanced at the empty cup on his table. "Uh, coffee."


After securing his backpack and finally being able to hold his phone properly using his hand, he went on locking the door of his apartment and walked towards the building's elevator. "Uh, and sugar?"

"What the heck do you mean by coffee and sugar- Wait, you only had coffee?"

"Yeah. As I have said, proper food, Jin. Nothing is more proper than a good ol' coffee." He was feeling courageous today to tease on Jin. Or maybe it's just the result of lack of sleep. As soon as he arrived at the basement, he walked to the area where his motorcycle was parked.

Jin was clicking his tongue on the other line. "That's why you're getting paler every time I see you! Don't even try painting your walls white or then you'll be invisible. Eat something real, you dwarf. Eat VEGGIES!"

"I'm not eating grass, Jin," he replied.

"You, not eating 'grass', is the reason why you're so pale, short and miserable. And single, mind you, SINGLE."

"You're also single," he quipped back. "I've gotta go, bye now." And with that, he ended the call without waiting for Jin's response. He chuckled under his breath. His best friend was a piece of shit. 

He put on his helmet and zipped up his leather jacket. He sighed, thinking about his boring of a job and questioning life what he had done to deserve this. Well, at least he had a cool bike.

His Agust Turismo Veloce 800 was one of the few expensive things Yoongi owned. As a detective, his salary was pretty standard and not enough to buy anything grand like, well, this. But he worked hard to save and come up with the money to buy himself a motorcycle. He was glad to have done his research and bought one of the best that time. This baby of his had been very useful in a lot of criminal-chasing drama Yoongi had to go through before. It was definitely faster than the lame police cars. Even his new workmates in the National Museum were admittedly envious of the motorcycle. Yoongi couldn't blame them.

With thirty minutes left before his shift would begin, Yoongi got on his bike and started the engine.

•YG• »» ♥ «« •JM•


Jimin started, whipping his head around to see Namjoon's raised eyebrow. He smiled sheepishly and tried to block his hyung's view of the laptop. 

"No need to try hiding it," Namjoon said with a sigh.

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