░ Chapter Twenty One

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A new plan now forming in his mind, Jimin pretended that he was about to call his dad while boasting lies about how his 'dad' was very influential and powerful and that he'd make sure to ruin their business. Before he could make the call, they were all fussing around him and giving promises to find the lost ring.

Jimin, acting like he wanted to give them a chance, pocketed his phone and tilted his head. "I do remember someone who looked suspicious..."

"Can you describe him for us?"

"Well, I wasn't able to see his face clearly but I noticed him following me. I ignored it, though," he explained. He began describing the said suspicious person. "He was pale and had sharp features. I didn't really see his face. He was short, about the same height as me. And, uh... I think his hair was black..." He pretending to think. "Uh, yes, I'm pretty sure it was jet black."

One of the security people that was with them came forward. "I think that description is familiar."

"Yes," another security guard supplied. "I believe someone entered the building earlier with the same features."

The one in charge of viewing the CCTV hurried to check, looking for someone with the exact description Jimin gave, despite it being a little shady. Jimin tapped his foot impatiently to show them his patience was wearing thin and they better fix his issue or his imaginary father would end their jobs. After a few more minutes, one of them shouted and pointed at one of the camera feeds. The person in charge hurriedly zoomed in.

Wow, Jimin had never felt this in love before.

Indeed, it was his Yoongi, sitting in a relaxed position beside their leader, and with Taehyung dealing the cards for them. The situation was funny and he should be worried about the fact that the ex-detective was too close to their leader, but his mind was only filled with Yoongi. Yoongi, who was wearing a black suit that looked so good on him. Just when he'd thought his boyfriend couldn't get any sexier.

Uh, scratch that. Soon-to-be boyfie.

"That might be him," he was quick to accuse.

• • • •

Jimin was being escorted by three guards, the manager and the owner. They went to the table where Yoongi and Namjoon was. As they were approaching, the people in the casino stared in curiosity. The people at the said table also noticed and turned to their direction.

Yoongi met Jimin's eyes.

Jimin winked.

In turn, the ex-detective stared at him with so much intensity, making Jimin swallow hard.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we would have to ask you to come with us," one of the guards said, regarding Yoongi who has shifted his eyes to them and away from Jimin. He huffed at losing Yoongi's attention.

An old man, who was seated on the stool beside Yoongi, interrupted. "What is this for?"

"We just need to conduct an investigation to this man. We need him to come with us and clear some things."

The old man was shaking his head, looking so disappointed. "I don't understand. Why would you need to investigate him?"

The manager stepped in and explained. "This man is a suspect of a robbery that took place yesterday. We would need to ask him a few questions and then he could go if he's cleared."

"I think there is misunderstanding right here," the old man continued, having none of it. Jimin was frowning, not liking his intervention. Was he Yoongi's friend? Relative? Father? "My name is Choi Jaesang and I am one of your VIP customers here. This man that you are accusing is a friend of mine and a former detective, so I'm pretty sure you got the wrong guy."

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