░ Chapter Twenty Two

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In the meantime, there was an argument going on in the control room of the casino as they tried interrogating Yoongi about his whereabouts and whether he was anywhere near the casino's premises the previous day.

As much as Jimin hated it, he had to act bitchy and snobbish towards the ex-detective to maintain his character. "How would I know you're saying the truth, huh? There wasn't even footage recorded!" Jimin said as he stabbed his finger angrily at Yoongi's chest, pairing it with a glare to both him and the guards around them. He wanted them to know how disappointed he was with the lack of evidence.

Yoongi's chest feels so firm.

Yoongi sighed, playing along with Jimin's act with no sign of telling the people around him that he was a fraud.

Jimin liked a supportive boyfriend. Or soon-to-be.

"I already explained myself. I have a solid alibi and you can ask my neighbors or whoever. I already explained that I was part of the police force so I know the process. You can't keep me here if you don't have anything solid against me."

"Lies! You don't have any proof that what you're saying is true!" Jimin accused, raising an eyebrow to challenge the handsome man in front of him.

One of the guards finally stepped in and cleared his throat. "Actually, he's saying the truth. I just realized it now, but yes, this man is a famous detective in Seoul. I met him before." The said guard then turned to Yoongi and bowed his head apologetically. "I'm really sorry for the trouble, Min-ssi."

"B-But..." Jimin tried to interject. "It still didn't mean he isn't capable of stealing something. I mean, why did he quit being a detective in the first place? That's suspicious!"

Before Jimin could say anything else, another staff came rushing in. "We checked everything that Mr. Min said and so far, they were all true. There was also no sighting of him anywhere on the premises yesterday."

The manager nodded and the owner sighed. They both glanced at Jimin who had his eyebrows furrowed at the news, pretending to be confused and disappointed. In his peripheral view, he could see Yoongi looking his way.

"It seems like we had the wrong person," the manager finally spoke amidst the silence. "I'm really sorry, Mr. Min," he continued, and for a moment, Jimin thought the manager was referring to Yoongi. He even frowned when the said manager was looking at him, only to realize that yes, his current alias was Min Jimin.

Yoongi also looked confused.

"We will try our best to look into this and find out who stole your ring," the manager continued. "We pride ourselves with the service we give to our customers so rest assured this matter will be taken care of." He said it in a very professional manner. Jimin humphed, pretending to be disappointed. He glanced at Yoongi and gave him a wary look before pouting, sketching a spoiled look. 

He was about to open his mouth to say something when suddenly, the power went out.

Ah, the heist has officially started.

•YG• »» ♥ «« •JM•

The power was finally back on.

Namjoon glanced at Taehyung who was standing in the same position as he was before. His brows were furrowed, as if he too, was confused with the sudden power outage. There was a lot of whispering around them as everybody wondered what happened and what the explosion was about. A number of security guards and staff were walking around telling people to be calm and that it was just a minor technical accident that's being taken care of now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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