Chapter : 22

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Aashna's pov:

"Hey your coffee". Sid said sitting across me.

"Thanks." I said and took my coffee from him. It was Sunday morning and sid picked me up from my home so that we can have our coffee together there was no reason that I should deny his request so I agreed to come with him. It has been 2 days since the day of the party and I still don't know where Aarav is? I wasn't having any courage to call him so I called Ruan and asked him about Aarav but instead of answering, he taunted me saying that why I want to know about Aarav and that I should be happy with my fiance.

He was so rude while talking that I didn't say anything further. Maybe Aarav is ok maybe not, All that matter is I have told him the truth after all he has to know it someday. But the only thing I wished was that the truth should not have came out the way it did.

When Sid told me about the party I was pretty sure that Aarav will attend it and so I wanted to avoid going there but it was a very happy moment for sid and he wanted me to join him, I was left with no option all I did was pray that Aarav should not come in front of me but to my bad luck we came face to face.

He was shocked seeing me there and was more shocked when he came to know that I am engaged. His face of disapproval when he heard about engagement is still making me concerned. I just want to know where he is and if he is okay?

It is all my mistake. It was me who went close to him, how did I forgot that I am engaged? After seeing Aarav everything changed, all I wanted was to stay with him, to live with him and it went on happening since we went to his farmhouse but then I got call from Sid and everything changed again. I left his house the very next morning without even saying anything to him. It was not even his mistake and I still punished him. God please help me and tell where Aarav is!

I wish I could call Aananya and ask her but I don't want to mess up the situation so I kept quite. All I can do at this moment is wait for the next meeting I hope he attends the next  meeting so that I can ask Sid about him.

" what are you busy thinking?" Sid asked breaking my thoughts.

"Nothing much. When is your next meeting with the Deshmukh's?

"Well I don't know, I haven't talked with them. Maybe next week." he replied.

oh no next week is a very long time I can't wait for a whole week.

I guess I have no option left then to call him! After that I silently had my coffee and then Sid dropped me home as it was Sunday there was no office so I was free. For a moment I thought to go and meet Aarav in his office but then again the courage issue popped up. how am I even going to facing?

I was sitting in my balcony when I received a call from Kriya.

"Didn't I told you to tell him the truth?" She snapped at me the moment I received the call.

"I was helpless Kriya, I didn't know what to do and what to not. I know it was my mistake I should have told him but not even once I felt like saying it I am sorry."

"Sorry? How can you even say sorry? Do you think your sorry can change the situation?" she asked.

"Then tell me what to do? I don't want him to suffer. Please tell me where he is and how is he?"

"I think you don't have any right to know about that and better you shouldn't know about that because already you have done enough. Now please stay away from him." she said and Hung up the call.

God why was she so angry? What if something  happened to Aarav?

I hurriedly took my phone and dialled his number it was ringing but he didn't receive it, so I texted him telling to call me back but still there was no reply from him. I was worried to hell and there was only one option left with me. I took my car and straightaway way to his office. I asked the receptionist about where he is and she replied that he hasn't arrived yet and that I should wait because he will be here in sometime.

I sat on the nearest couch waiting for him and finally after 10 minutes I saw him coming inside the office he didn't glanced at me and I don't even think he glanced at anyone else.

"May I go now? I asked the receptionist and she said that she will just call him and ask. No doubt, he will definitely stop her from sending me in, so without waiting for her to call I straight away went inside his cabin.

The moment I reached and our eyes met there was a shock in his eyes but he quickly composed himself.

"Why are you here?" was his first question. man why can't he see I'm worried about him?

"Why aren't you receiving my calls?" I asked hoping that he will answer.

"Why am I supposed to?" he asked back. His questions where making me sad and I didn't know what to reply.

"What do you want now?" he asked again and I was totally numb this time. what I want? what I want? I have made another mistake, I shouldn't have came here. I looked at him and saw him waiting for my reply.

"Well I just wanted to see if you are ok." I finally answered him the truth.

"Why? What will happen to me? why I won't be ok? To know that you are engaged?" he said in a tone which clearly said that he is not affected by my engagement but his eyes said the different story.

"Aarav, I am sorry. Please don't be so cold with me." I pleaded.

"Wasn't the damage you caused me was not enough that you are here again?"

"Aarav Please, at least listen to me." I begged but he denied it. I begged again and I guess this time he had enough of my begging because after that what he said made me feel so guilty of myself.

"What I'm supposed to listen Aashna? That you are engaged and going to marry some other guy?" He said angrily.

"Why Aashna why? Why didn't you tell me everything ? You very well knew that I was falling for you again and yet to decided to hide this from me! Why? Just when I thought that everything will be back to normal why it had to be ruined?"

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