Chapter 6

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I just wanted to write this and get this out because it's in my head and I love writing it!!

And I love this jonas brothers obviously! Ha.

The next morning I feel hungover from all the crying I did last night. A part of me wanted to call Nick after Joe left and confide in him, but knowing about his feelings for me has me hesitant.

I look in the mirror and I have two black eyes and my nose is a bit swollen. I decide to swallow my pride and go get checked out.

I leave the doctors office with good news; my nose isn't broken. It's just going to take a little bit for the swelling to go down and I have to keep icing it.

I apply concealer under my eyes in the car and make my way to my parents house. I see Joes car parked in his parents driveway and I pray he doesn't notice me next door.

My mother questions me about my doctors visit as soon as I walk in, so I give her a quick rundown as the two of us walk into the kitchen. She made us sandwiches; turkey and cheddar cheese.

She used to make me a sandwich everyday to bring with me to school for lunch. You'd think they would get old, but she would always change it up so I wouldn't get sick of one thing. Joe would trade with me once a week because he loved them too.

I sit at the island and take a bite of my sandwich. My mother takes a seat beside me and takes a long sip of iced tea before taking a bite of her own sandwich. We eat in silence and I'm glad she doesn't mention Nick.

When we are finished, I go out into the back yard and take a seat at the picnic table. The sun is shining and the air is warm with a slight breeze. My mother's wind chimes make sweet music as I close my eyes, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly.

I hear a noise and open my eyes. The sound came from the Jonas' back yard. Joe and Jenny walk out the back door and immediately notice me. If only our yard was fenced in...

I wave at them and they walk over to me, holding hands.

"Hey Trin." Joe says when they reach me.

"Hey guys." I say, "come sit." I say, though it's the last thing I want them to do.

They take a seat across from me and Jenny smiles, "how are you?" She asks.

"I'm fine, what about you?"

"Great." She says, and turns to Joe with a grin. He returns the gesture and I look down at my hands.

"I was wondering something Trinity." Jenny says and I look at her. She has always called me by my name and not my nickname like everybody else does.


"Would you be a bridesmaid in our wedding?" She asks, her face beaming.

If I say no, they are going to ask why and what would I tell them? I'm not good at thinking of things like that on the spot. So I don't have much of a choice.

"Of course." I say.

"Great! that's great news!" She says, clapping her hands together. I look at Joe and he's just staring at me. I look away, hoping he can't read my expression. I tried to make my smile seem as real as I could but I'm not sure I was very convincing.

Suddenly, Joe's mother peaks her head out the back door. "Hey Trin!" She yells and i wave. "Jenny, i found my wedding photo album i wanted to show you!" she says.

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