Chapter 33

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After Nick leaves, I lean my head back against the couch and close my eyes. I'm about to fall asleep when I hear the front door open.

I lift my head to see Joe. He smiles as he approaches, and I can't help but look him over. He has a flannel on, unbuttoned with a white tee shirt underneath, with messy hair. He always looks perfect.

"Hey." He says, taking a seat at the end of the couch, carefully so he doesn't bother my leg.

"Hi Joe." I say.

He looks down, suddenly nervous and I can tell where this is going.

"I know I hurt you multiple times, and I shouldn't have lied about how I feel."

I shake my head, "I understand why you did it."

"I just, I don't want to hurt anyone. But all I have done is hurt multiple people."

"Life isn't perfect Joe. People are going to get hurt no matter how much you try to avoid it." I say.

He looks at me then, his face serious. His anxious honey colored eyes pierce through me.

"I love you Trinity, and I should have told you a lot sooner."

I don't move for a long moment, soaking in his words. I've wanted to hear them from him for so long. So why does it not feel as good as I thought it would?

But I do love him, and I have to tell him that too.

"I love you too Joe." I say.

An awkward feeling fills this air, and this isn't the moment I imagined. What's wrong with me?

Joe reaches for my face, gently touching my cheek, "what now?" He whispers.

"What about Nick?" I ask.

"We talked about it. He understands."

"I just don't want him to be hurt." I admit.

"I know, and you know that's not what I want either. But like you said, we can't make everyone happy. But if being together makes us happy, why should we put it off any longer?"

"You want to be together, as in officially?" I ask.

He smiles and inches closer, "yes."

I smile back, because I'm happy. This is all I've ever wanted, was to be with Joe... right?

"Okay." I say, grinning wider.

"Okay." Joe says, before leaning in and kissing me gently on the lips. The familiar feeling floods through me, but I can't help but notice it's not as strong as it once was.

I wake up from my nap, alone in the living room. I hear voices coming from the kitchen but I decide not to eavesdrop. That didn't go so well for me last time.

Danielle comes into the room holding a tray with a plate and a glass on it. She sets it on the coffee table in front of me.

"I thought you might be hungry."

"You don't have to wait on me like this Danielle. I have to get up and do things."

"I know, but you are still weak and can afford to get waited on for a couple of days." She says.

I smile at her and sit up, grabbing the sandwich and taking a bite.

"So Joe told us you two are officially together." She says.

"Yeah." I say with a mouth full of food.

"I thought you'd be more excited." She admits.

My eyes widen, "oh I am, just still weak and all." I say.

She raises her eyebrow, "it has nothing to do with Nick?" She asks.

I look into the kitchen and then back at her. She shakes her head and sits down. "Don't worry, Kevin and Joe are outside, they can't hear us."

"It has nothing to do with Nick." I say.

"Okay Trin. Just be careful."

After I finish my lunch, I insist on going into my room by myself and unpacking some of my clothes. I manage to make my way there successfully and take a seat on the bed. I can see the guys out in the yard from the window, and they are setting up wood in the fire pit.

I watch Joe, unaware that I'm watching him. Everything about him his perfect, his looks, his heart, his love for everyone. I should be over the moon that he told me he loved me. Maybe it's all of the pain medicine I'm on.

Suddenly, Nick appears outside, joining the boys and my heart rate sky rockets.

Maybe it's not the pain medicine after all...

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