Chapter 20

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I follow Nick out to his car, getting in as fast as I can. I want to get as far away from Joe and Jenny as possible. How could he do this to me after the time we just spent together? I just don't understand.

"What's going on with you and Joe?" Nick asks me as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"There's no need to talk about that while everything else is going on." I say.

"I would prefer to keep my mind off of what happened today. Plus, I can tell by your face something is wrong."

I let out a sigh before leaning against my seat.

"Doesn't matter." I mumble.

"Trin." he says before glancing at me.

"Did he call Jenny?" I ask.

He pauses for a moment and I feel my breath catch.

"Yes." he says.

I feel a wave of sadness wash over me, though I'm not surprised. His first thought was to call her instead of me and that hurts. I know they were just together for a long time, but if he really wants to be with me like he said, why would he do that?

"Okay." I say.

"Why wouldn't he?" he asks.

Nick knew that Joe has feelings for me, but he doesn't know they broke up; well If they even broke up in the first place.

"Joe ended things with her." I say.

"He never told me." He says, keeping his eyes on the road.

"He didn't tell anyone yet." I say.

"And now everything with my dad. He probably just doesn't know how to act." he says and I shrug.

"But he didn't have to call her and then leave with her. Why wouldn't he have called me?" I say, tears threaten to escape, but I don't want him to see so I can turn and look out the window.

Nick shakes his head, "I don't know Trin."

We pull into my apartment and Nick puts the car in park. He looks at me with tired eyes and I feel bad for focusing so much on my drama. He is going through a lot right now and I need to be there for him.

"Come in?" I ask and he nods before shutting off the car.

We walk into my place and go into the kitchen. I pour us each a glass of water and we sit at the kitchen table.

I check my phone and I have no messages. A part of me thought Joe would call but he hasn't. I can't believe he would do this after the few days we just had. I thought they were special, and something I could look back on in the future. Now I just get a sour feeling in my stomach when I think about it.

"You look really tired." I say to Nick.

He nods, "It'a been a long day."

"You are welcome to stay here. We could have a slumber party out in the living room like we did when we were kids." I say.

He smiles for the first time in hours. "That sounds nice." he says.

We spend the next half hour putting blankets and pillows down on the floor in the living room, making a large area to sleep on.

After I put on my pajamas and make popcorn, I go back out to the living room and Nick is laying on the blankets already, watching the television.

I take a seat beside him and hand him the bowl. He grabs a handful of popcorn and we eat in silence as we watch a comedy film.

I check my phone once more as the end credits play and still nothing. I sigh before shutting off my phone and chucking it away from me and onto the couch.

"You okay?" he asks.

I nod. He's always cares more about others than himself, something I've always admired about him.

"You sure? You know you can talk to me about Joe. I don't want you to feel awkward between us because of well... you know." he says.

I know exactly what he's talking about; the fact that we have kissed and he has feelings for me... or well did anyway. I'm not sure how he feels about me anymore.

"I don't feel awkward with you. I've always felt comfortable around you and that will never change." I say.

He smiles, a genuine one and I smile back. I rest my head on his shoulder and then he moves it, only to wrap his arm around my own shoulder. I lean into him and feel his heart rate speed up.

"You always make me feel better."  he says.

I smile even though I know he can't see it and snuggle closer to him. It's nice to be this close to someone, but in a calming, comfortable way.

"Goodnight Trin." he says.

"Goodnight Nick." I reply.

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