Chapter 39

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Joe goes back out to the fire but I go inside, packing up my bag so I can move to the spare room. There's obviously no point in me sharing a room with Joe tonight.

I can't believe how calm we both are about this. If anything, it shows we made the right decision. I thought I would be more upset, but I'm not. Which can only mean one thing. It is Nick that I'm in love with.

But he is with Kelly.

It's selfish of me to try to ruin their relationship just because I finally was able to admit my feelings to myself.

What if he doesn't even want to be with me anymore?

I walk down to the end of the hall and into the small bedroom. I set my bag down on the floor and look out the window. Joe is smiling and laughing about something with his brothers and I feel warm inside.

He's such a sweet, understanding and caring man. To be able to go out there and act okay, especially with Nick. I'm thankful there's no hard feelings between them.

"Why are you in here?" Danielle's voice appears in the room.

I turn around to face her, taking a step back from the window.

"We agreed not to tell anyone until we got home, but Joe and I are no longer together."

Her eyes widen, "really? Why?"

"It was mutual. Things just didn't feel right between us. We're okay. I'm okay."

She walks over and gives me a hug, "As long as you two are happy, that's all that matters."

I force a smile, but she sees right through it, "You're happy, right?"

"I'm happy with how things went with me and Joe." I say.


"But lets not talk about that right now okay? We still have tonight to get through."

"Whatever you say." She says.

By the time we go out to the living room, everyone is back inside. I sit beside Joe and he smiles at me like nothing ever happened.

Kelly glares at me from across the room and I shuffled uncomfortably. I guess she's still mad about our conversation earlier.

"Well this has been a fun weekend, but I think it's about time to hit the hay, and get up early tomorrow." Kevin says.

"I agree." Joe says.

I follow Joe to his room so nobody suspects anything. He sits down on his bed and looks at me, "You doing okay?" He asks.

"Yes, you?"

He nods, "Yes. I feel... better than I thought I would, you know?"

"Me too."

He stands up, "can I give you a hug?" He asks.

"Of course." I say, embracing him first.

"I want you to know I never lied when I said I love you. Because I did, and I do. But if two people are meant to be together, they would both truly feel it." He says into my hair.

And I think he's saying we can't both truly feel it when I'm in love with someone else.

"I know. I never lied either Joe."

We pull apart and he looks me in my eyes, "be happy Trin. It's what you deserve."

I hug him once more before leaving his room and going to mine.

I wake up, rolling over to check the time. The clock says 2 A.M. I stretch before sitting up, grabbing my crutches. I'm so thirsty, there's no way I will fall back to sleep without a glass of water.

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