Chapter 25

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I open my eyes and take in my surroundings. The sun is peaking through the curtains and the spot beside me is empty. I sit up and look at the time; it's almost 8 in the morning.

I stretch before getting out of bed and walking down the hall. I hear a noise downstairs, so I slowly walk down them and peak into the kitchen. Nick is in front of the stove cooking something. He's dressed in his clothes from the day before and he has a baseball cap on backwards, something I haven't seen him wear since we were younger, especially backwards.

"Hi." I say as I enter the room.

He turns around to face me and smiles.

"Hi." He says back.

I walk over and stand beside him, looking at the pan of eggs he's cooking.

"Smells good." I say.

He laughs, "well it's just eggs. I had nothing else to cook."

"That's fine. Thank you." I say.

He scoops the food onto my plate and we both take a seat at the table.

"My dads doing really good. He should be able to move to a rehab next week." Nick says after his first bite.

"That's great news Nick." I say with a smile.

"Kevin called and told me. He also told me something else." He says, and his expression changes, making my stomach sink a little.


"He said that Joe and Jenny broke up, and that Joe left town for a few days to be alone."

"Oh." I say, staring down at my plate.

"I guess that's why Joe was trying to contact you." He says as he pushes his food around with his fork.

"Maybe." I say. I do feel bad that Joe is out there alone somewhere. Is he okay? Why did they publicly end things now?

"Kevin wants us to come over to his house for dinner tonight. The kids are with my mom and they just wanna hang out, the four of us. What do you think?" He asks.

I want to say no, in fear that Joe will show up. But Kevin wouldn't lie about that, and surely wouldn't set me up.

"That would be great." I say.

"Great." He says, but his tone is off, like he's upset about something but I don't question it.

After we finish breakfast, I go upstairs and take a shower before putting yesterday's clothes back on. I look at myself in the mirror as I run my hands through my wet hair, trying to get some tangles out.

When I am done, I meet Nick at his car. He's leaning against his door, his eyes focused on the cell phone in his hand. He's typing away, his forehead furrowed.

"Everything okay?" I ask as I approach.

He looks up at me and sticks his phone into his pocket and nods. "Yes, are you ready?"

I nod back and we both enter his car. The ride to Kevin's is silent, and I'm unsure why. Did I do something? Was it because we held hands last night? The last thing I want to do is make things awkward between us.

We arrive at the house, and Danielle is outside to greet us. I walk up to her and her eyes soften, "hi Trin." She says before giving me a big hug. She's always been a hugger and I can't complain. She's such a nice girl.

"Hi." I mumble into her shoulder.

She hugs Nick after and we walk into the house, joining Kevin in their living room. He gets up and gives us each a hug too, his smiling welcoming.

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