Chapter 18

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He walks over to the record player that is placed neatly on a small table next to the bed. He grabs a record and places it gently onto it, letting it play. It's a slow song, one I've never heard before.

He turns around and looks at me, a smile creeps onto his lips. He puts out his hand and I take it. He pulls me to the middle of the room and I giggle.

"This is cheesy." I say as he pulls me close to him and starts swaying back and forth.

"We never got a slow dance at prom." he points out.

"That's cuz you bailed halfway through to go hook up with your date." I say before rolling my eyes.

He laughs, "that's true. But you seemed pretty happy with your date."

"Larry? He smelled like fish." I say and we both burst out laughing.

He twirls me around and then pulls me back to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and get as close to him as possible.

He tucks his face into the crook of my neck and then kisses it gently, sending a shiver down my spine. I close my eyes as he kisses a trail up my neck and to my chin. I sigh against his touch.

"You are so beautiful." He whispers, making eye contact with me. I blush, my face surely as red as a tomato.

I look into his stunning hazel eyes and I see the boy I fell in love with years and years ago. The love I feel for him is indescribable and never ending.

Later that night, we make spaghetti in the little kitchen, constantly bumping into each other in the process but laughing every time.

"That was pretty good." Joe says, shoving his plate away from him.

"The lights outside at night look so pretty." I say, looking out one of the windows.

"We should go out there and sit." He says before standing up. I set our plates in the sink and follow him outside.

He sits down on the edge of the walkway, his feet dangling over. I take a seat beside him and he wraps his arm around my shoulder. There are fireflies everywhere lighting up the dark night.

"That's so cool." I say.

"It's very peaceful out here." he says, rubbing my shoulder.

"Yeah it is." I say.

I lean into him, the warmth from his body is calming and I close my eyes. He's quiet for a while and I know what that means; something is on his mind.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask.

"Just that I should have ended things with Jenny sooner. I didn't want anyone to get hurt but here I was hurting you and then I hurt Jenny."

"Don't beat yourself up about it. I should have said something sooner too, and at least you didn't go as far as marrying here."

"Yeah I guess." He says.

I look up at him and touch his cheek, causing him to smile, "just happiness from now on, okay?" I say and he nods.

The next morning i roll over and feel an empty space in bed beside me. I squint, the sun shining brightly through the windows. I see Joe standing in front of the stove, cooking something.

I stretch before getting out of bed and throwing a sweatshirt over my tee shirt and shorts. I walk over to him and he looks at me and smiles, "Good morning."

"Morning." I say, noticing the pancakes simmering in the pan.

He sets down the spatula and pulls me to him, giving me a hug. I sigh at his embrace and lean into him. I could get used to mornings like this.

"Go ahead and take a seat." he says, taking the on off of the stove.

I take a seat and he joins me soon after with the platter on pancakes.

"Thank you for doing this." I say.

He shrugs, "I like pancakes."

I laugh but shake my head, "I mean taking us here. It's nice."

He smiles, "Thanks for coming with me."

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