Chapter 4

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I wake up in the same position I went to sleep in; hugging Mal with my head in his chest. I tilt my head upwards, only to see Mal staring at me as if we had been watching me sleep and now my every move.
"Hey," he says with a slight smile.
"Hey," I whisper back with a smile, I don't know if the others were awake. We kiss again and he moves his hand to my jaw.
When we separate, I whispers, "No offense to Zoey, but I'm glad 'we're' not together anymore. She was too... nice for my liking. And plus, now I can kiss you anytime." He smiles and it lights up the room.
I feel so special in this moment and I can't help but give him a kiss.
I climb over him to get out of bed and he watches my every move. I creep out of the boys cabin, across the grounds, and sneak into the girls. Everyone is sleeping, good. I run to my bag of stuff and grab it. I run back to the door but before I leave, I turn around. Tissues surround Zoeys bed. I feel terrible. She must have been crying all last night.
I have no choice but to change in the outhouse, gross. I cover the camera with an extra shirt I packed so no one can see me change. I take off his yellow pajamas he left me and neatly fold them. I then put on my normal clothes and walk out of the outhouse and put my stuff in the boys cabin, something tells me I'll be staying here for a bit.
I notice Mal is gone. I place the pajamas on the bed and go outside to look for him.
I walk a bit around the grounds but not too far, when I hear a voice.
"Ok, ok... just like you rehearsed. I l... I lo... ugh I never thought I would be saying these words."
"Mal?" I say. I can tell I startled him.
"Ah- oh hey y/n. I was just talking to myself."
Normally I would challenge it but I wasn't feeling it right now. "Ok," I say as I walk closer to him and take his hand. "Want to. Head back to camp?"
"Sure c/n," he smirks and I can't help but smile back. We walk to camp and have breakfast.
When we sit down, Zoey is at the other table. She looks defeated and won't look within 10 feet of me or Mike. I feel really bad.


We did it. Mal and I made it to the final 3. Zoey was the other competitor that I had to face. Mal and I were holding hands walking back to camp from the dock.
"Can I talk to you? Alone?" he asked out of nowhere. I nodded. I have to admit I was kind of nervous. I didn't know what was going to happen. Would he break up with me? Would he say the money is more important than our relationship and he had to vote me off? Would he say he couldn't bare the sight of me anymore?
I think he could tell I was nervous after the 2 minutes of walking in silence and sweat starting to form at my hairline, because he grabbed my hand tighter and shoots me a sympathetic smile. We finally stop walking in the middle of the dark woods. He shakes his head so his hair goes over his eye. He faces me and grabs both of my hands. He stares into my eyes for a while and the moment is magical. We seemed to stop in the perfect place, as the moonlight was pushing through the trees and hitting both our faces at just the right place.
"I-" he started. I could tell he was nervous, now was my time to comfort. I grabbed his hands tighter, just as he had done to me, and I gave him a small kiss on the cheek.
"Y/n, you're amazing. I don't even know where to start. You're brave, smart, caring, kind, and damn you're beautiful."
I can't help but blush.
"Although we've only known each other for a few weeks now, I feel like I've known you all my life. And, well, what I'm trying to say is... I need you.. and... I... I lo..." He stares at me for I few seconds, but it feels like an eternity. He takes a deep breath and finally says, "I love you, y/n."

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