Chapter 8

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"What the hell do you want, Brian?" I asked madly, taking his hand off my waist. He was practically pinning me against the shelves and it made me so uncomfortable. The memories of how sh*tty he treated me in the past case flooding back. I couldn't help but get upset thinking about what he's done to me.
"Just here for you, Angel," he said with an evil smirk.
"Don't call me that," I said as sternly as I could but my voice came out shaky as tears formed in my eyes. I absolutely hated crying; it was a sign of weakness. But in this moment, I had a right to cry. I tried everything in my power to keep the tears in.
"Ok sweetheart," that disgusting smirk was still there. "I want you."
Those words repeated in my head and the tears poured out, but somehow I wasn't making any sounds. "You're f*cking crazy if you think I'll go back with you."
"He grabbed my left wrist and squeezed until it hurt so bad. I let out a moan (very non-sexual) and he covered my mouth.
"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. You're coming with me."
He removed his hand from my mouth. "No. No I'm not."
Still holding my wrist, he pulled me away from the shelves and was about to punch me right in the face when someone walking by the isle we were on so he dipped me and smiled at the person. The person smiled back and continued walking. When they left, he looked to me and said, "I'll give you a week to willingly to the right thing. I will find you and you will be mine." He slapped me and dropped me to the ground. He walked away as I sat up, holding my cheek where he slapped me and watched him walk away. Tears still coming down my face. Oh sh*t, he's back.

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