Chapter 10

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"What do you mean 'he tried to rape you?" Mal asked.
I took a deep breath. "We started dating about a year and a half before Total Drama. I was 15 and he was 17 at the time and we were strong for the first few months. I was a pushover then and thought I loved him. After about 4 months he started trying to have sex with me but I was never ready. He started getting mad and calling me names like 'whore' and 'slut' even though I was the exact opposite. I loved him so I didn't care and I put up the the abuse. But it started getting to the point where I would come home and he'd be with 1- maybe even 2 women having sex with them. When I confronted him he said that until I had sex with him, he wouldn't stop. But no after how many time I tried to make myself do it, something in me knew something about it wasn't right so I never did it. After around 8 months together, he-" I paused because my voice was getting shaky and I needed a moment. Mal rubbed my arm, giving me a sense of safety.
"-he came to my house one day when my parents were away and threw me in my bed and started to strip me down. He tied my arms up to the bed and took out his 'thing'. I did the first thing that came to my mind- I kicked him in the crotch and he fell over in pain. With the time I had I managed to get my hands free, grabbed my clothes, and ran out of the house. The next day I went to school and tried to avoid him, but he found me and was talking to me as if nothing ever happened. I confronted him and told him we were done. Let's just say he didn't accept it at first, but as time went on, he left me alone, or until now at least."
Mal let out a small smile. "I know you think you're weak for crying, but y/n, you're the strongest person I know."
I smiled back and hugged him for what seemed like forever. "I won't let him touch you ever again."
I felt safe for the first time in awhile.

We spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching TV together, until Mal asked a question with a tiny smirk on his face:
"Is thAt why you never wanted to have sex in your bed?"
I smirked a bit and nodded. Then I kissed him.
"How were things at Cameron's?" I asked.
"Ok," he answered, "but they got engaged," he said excited, referring to Cam and his girlfriend.
"Really?! That's so cute! I'll have to congratulate them," I said happily. I was so happy for them, but then I thought. "Mal?"
"Ya, c/n?"
"What's next for us?" I asked. I can tell I caught Mal by surprise.
"Uh... you know what? Whatever you want c/n." He hugged me tight as I got closer to him.

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