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Hey guys. This is my first story. There might be some grammatical errors. Please Ignore..
Happy reading..


I was stunned looking at my reflection. Only one question swirled in my head. Was the girl Im seeing is really me? I doubt so.

I was adorned with simple make up and an elegant bridal dress. My groom was waiting for me outside. I was having a mixed emotions of rollercoaster. Life was weird.

I lost everything in an accident. My parents were no more. My life as an orphan was not easy for me to get carried away with. I had my ups and downs but I learned to tackle it away. I was left all alone but still I learned to live my life. It has been 4 years but still feels like just yesterday I was with them sharing my dreams.

As an english teacher, life wasnt that hard for me to survive. For a 25 years old girl, I had a lot in my plate to handle.

I currently lived with my mom's sister. My aunt is a sweet lady. From the time I was born I was tagged as her favourite. She always wanted me to call her ma (mom) but I just couldnt.

Calling her mom meant giving her my mother's place. But after my parents had died, eventually I started calling her ma.

Her husband had disappeared a long time back to somewhere still unknown to everyone. She had only one son. She always longed for a daughter so when my family was no longer there to take care of me, She was willing to make me her daughter.

I didn't wanted to make myself a burden on her so I started working. Im very happy to find my soulmate. I will move in with him but I will always make sure to pay a visit to ma once in awhile.

"Done getting ready sweetheart?" I turned around hearing the voice. Ma was standing at the door with unshed tears and a smile which spoke a million of words. I went near her and hugged her tightly. In these 4 years we became inseparable. We were like sisters.

She would tell me her life experiences. It was fun being with her. "Yes" I replied, my voice sounding hoarse. It was difficult to leave everything behind and start a new life. But I always convinced myself that its for the better. She veiled my face with a white bridal veil.

I started taking slow steps downstairs. I was nervous but I knew this was going to make me happy and I would do anything for me to be happy.

Only when I was seated did I finally mustered enough courage and looked up. I was seated opposite to rayyan, My would be husband. Everything was so perfect. I couldn't believe it. I couldnt believe something this big would happen in my life that too with such perfection.

It all happened in a flash. The Qur'an was recited, the consent had been given, the mahr had been arranged and the papers had been signed. I was actually proud of myself for not messing with my signature due to happiness and anxiety. It was all done. I was now, Mrs. Ayah rayyan majid. I couldn't be more happier.

We were escorted to the car which would take us to the hotel, booked for tonight. On the way to hotel rayyan didn't utter a single word. Maybe he was nervous just like I was. We finally reached hotel. I started wondering what should be done once we were in the room when I heard a thud sound. It was the sound of a closing door. I looked up and found rayyan had already gotten down the vehicle. I got down too.

"Take the keys from reception and go to the room" he said and turned away from me. He got in to the drivers seat and went. Maybe he was planning a surprise for me. I went to the reception and took the keys after mentioning my name.

When I entered the room I was awestruck by the decoration they had done. It was so beautiful. I closed the door behind me and went inside. I sat down on the bed waiting for rayyan.

Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. He never showed up. I was worried. Different scenarios played in my mind. Why wouldnt he show up? What if something had happened to him? Is he alright? It was nearly the time to dawn. I got up from my bed and made my way to the bathroom.

Looking at myself, I realized I was crying the whole time. It was not the type of crying that will shake you to life but the silent tears just flowing down. Tears fell on my cheeks one by one. The more it got late the more I dreaded the outcome of him not showing up.

I removed all my jewellery and bridal dress. I went under the shower and opened the cap of the shower. I let the water fall on me and sooth the aching I felt all over.

I wanted this to be a nightmare never come true. I was expecting so much from this relationship that now I hated myself for that. Did he already got sick of me? Thousand questions swirled in my head. I didn't wanted to be negative. Not now.

The faint sound of knocking made me come to my senses. Maybe It was rayyan. I quickly closed the tap, putting on the bathrobe I excited the bathroom. I opened the closet and wore the first dress that came to my hand. By now that knocking had stopped.

When I neared the door I saw a orange colour envelope laying on floor seeking my attention. I took that envelope and opened it to find a fine written letter addressed to me from rayyan.


Im sorry I didn't show up after I dropped you at the hotel. I really dont want to give you an explanation. Just know that I'm not returning. Move on already.

Stay happy.


I was shocked. This is what he thinks. What does he mean by move on already? Dont I even deserve an explanation? I kept that letter on the bed and opened the door and looked out for the one who dropped it here but there was none.

I know it was too late to look out the door to find someone but I couldn't help with curiosity which was built in me after finding it was rayyan who sent me the letter.

I read that letter again and again to get a clue at least for why this was happening. What was my mistake? Why did I deserve this? Why can't I be happy?

I heard the sound of door opening. I looked up and found umar, the closest relative I had apart from ma. Umar is Ma's son. Although he was one year younger than me, He was always there to understand me, my problems.

There were things I couldn't share with ma so I would go to him and he would solve it for me.

He always had my back. Back then everyone thought we were dating but only our close ones knew that we were not. He always considered me as his elder sister.

"What happened? I was knocking for so long and you didnt open the door so I came in. Why are you crying? Where is rayyan?" He knelt before me. He asked me, sincerity and concern lacing his voice.

Could he be the reason why rayyan left? Could rayyan thought we were dating like everyone else? But I did clear it to him that we didnt. I can't blame umar for what rayyan did.

"Answer me, ayah" Upon hearing his voice again I looked up. Shock and sadness covered his face. I gave him the letter. When he started reading that letter I tried to control the sob which in result I choked on my saliva.

He sat beside me and side hugged me. He started stroking my back, trying to control me. But I couldnt control myself, my emotions.

I didnt want this to happen. I started crying. This was the crying which shakes you to life. Not just the silent tears flowing down.

"Everything will be okay. I'll talk to him" He assured me or at least tried to. He himself was unsure about that. But I wanted to hold onto that hope. Hope of him returning. Hope of me being finally happy.

But I knew that was close to impossible. Because from last few months I had gotten to know him, I knew this much. If he decide to do something he will do it by hook or crook, even if he knew what he was doing was wrong.

Nothing was going to be okay anymore. I hope what umar saying is correct, Everything will be alright.

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