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Some day you will miss me like I miss you
Some day you will cry for me like I cried for you
Some day you will want me back like I wanted you
Some day you will understand why you broke my heart when I didn't
Some day you will know the pain of betrayal
Some day your life will turn upside down just like mine did when you broke my heart
Some day you will have someone to hurt you just like you hurt me
Some day you will realise how lonely life can be
Some day you will know how I really felt
But Some day you will love me when I wont love you.

I dropped the pen on the table and closed the diary. A month had passed by after I had the conversation about my wedding with ma. I had to give in to her. I said yes. A couple of guys had come to see me but everyone rejected me.

As usual some thought me and Umar were having an affair thats why my first marriage broke off. Some thought that there was some flaws in me which made my marriage to be broken.

With this passing month, the hope I had to have a happy married life was taken away from me. Not by someone else but my own self insecurities. I convinced umar to talk to Ma about eram as she was aging and her parents were off to get her married.

Last week when umar talked to Ma, he said the same exact thing to ma, he told me when I got to know. Ma was quite angry with him for the past 4 days but eventually when umar continuously apologised to her and convinced her that they didnt do anything haram, Ma approved to go to eram's house talk to her parents. Whereas ma was very angry, uncle Muhammad took it very wisely and had a talk with umar.

Man to man one?

No idea.

When they both were convinced that the girl came from a good family and the girl was religious and wise enough to handle a household they decided to take the proposal today.

Both side of the family were convinced with the each other. Today's meeting was just to let the boy and girl talk and give their consent. Maybe they will even decide the date for marriage today.

Yes today. It was sunday today so everyone decided to meet today. Eram's family didn't know that eram and umar liked each other. They were just told that umar and eram were colleagues working together and umar was interested in marrying her.

It was lunch time. We were to meet them in their house for dinner. We just had lunch and I came back to my room. I knew I won't be able to marry anytime soon. I hope umar get married to his love.

A knock on the door brought me out of my day dream. I picked up my shawl from the bed and drapped it around myself. I opened the door to find a very messed up umar.

Everything about him was a mess now. Starting from his hair to shoes. I laughed at his state. He looked so funny. Being all tensed up. Upon hearing my laugh he looked up. He narrowed his eyes at me. His eyes were warning me to not to laugh. I tried to stop laughing but it only doubled.

He rolled his eyes. He pushed me aside and went into my room. I wiped my eyes, void of any tears from laughing. I went into my room and saw umar sprawled on the bed. I picked up a pillow and threw it on him, aiming his stomach.

"What happened?" I questioned him. He dodged the pillow away. He rolled over and propped his head up on one elbow, frowning down at me. "Can't you see? Im nervous." He made it obvious to me.

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