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Sabo led you through the glass sliding doors and out into the garden. He held onto your hand as he showed you the layout of the garden and even told you about the up keep of it all.

"Pops actually come out here monthly to make sure everything is still in good condition. Sometimes I'll tag along with him," Sabo explained to you. You where suprised to learn that Newgate came out here on a routinely bases, the man had his own secruity and tech company which you thought would keep him busy all the time.

He is the boss though, maybe he just takes time off whenever he wants. I know I would.

The two of you continued walking through the flower beds which were laid out in maze like style, in the center of it all was a stone bench that looked worn with age. You took a seat on it, Sabo joining you and looked out at the lake.

"This place is so pretty. I wished my garden was like this, but I barely have anytime to even take care of myself properly let alone a garden." You confessed to blonde sitting next to you, you felt his hand give your hand a slight squeeze as to comfort you and it did, you almost forgot you were still holding his hand.

"Why don't you just tell your editor you need a break. I mean you've written plenty of books already, and didn't you say you got an offer to have one of your books turned into a movie? Aren't you making enough money? Isn't your editor making enough money?" Sabo asked you, he rubbed his hand up and down on the small of your back.

"Hugh I do make more then enough money which is why I'm fine with taking a break. But I don't think my editor feels the same way," you sighed showing Sabo your phone. There were angry text from your editor saying 'you're in the middle of writing a book you can't afford to take a break' or 'I never authorized this vaction time of yours'. One youe weren't even in the middle of writing anything, your editor just told you, you needed to write something else but you haven't gotten around to it yet because you felt burnt out. And secondly you didn't need his permission to take a vaction, you told him from the start you would write when you were able to and when you weren't you'd be doing whatever you wanted.

"Damn he sounds like an ass. Why haven't you fired him yet?" Sabo huffed out as he scrolled through the many text your editor had left you.

"It's not that simple. He works for the publishing company I'm signed with, he was even recommend for me because he's the best. Honestly he's a complete ass, but since I've had some really good best-sellers the company thinks he's doing a great job and would probably just think I'm making stuff up." You told Sabo, you took in a deep breath and let it out. "If I had a garden like this at least I'd feel like I could take mini vactions at home."

"Why don't you sign with a new company? Or you could even show them all these texts your editor is sending you, it might change their minds about him." Sabo suggested to you while handing you back your phone, you slid it back into your pocket and gave Sabo a weak smile. "Pops is thinking of opening up hisown publishing company, you could be the first person he signs."

"Really? Well if he does I'll ssign in a heartbeat." You gushed the smile on you lips and the sparkle in your eyes made you look so cute that Sabo actually had to turn away from you. "Oh also Marco said you were planning a garden for me."

"Th-That was supposed to be a suprise," Sabo mumbled he ran his fingers throw his hair as faced you again, the tips of his ears were pink, and you noticed his adams apple bob up and down as he took a gulp of air.

"I'm suprised you were even planning anything for that crusty backyard of mine." You told the blonde, you found it sweet that he wanted to suprise you with it.

"It's not that bad... it just needs a bit of work. Well seeing as you know now I guess I should show you some of the designs I've come up with." Sabo suggested he scratched the back of his neck as a shy chuckle left his lips. You didn't get why the boy was being nervous about this, but you didn't mind you found it made the blonde even more loveable.

"Actually I'd like it if you keep the designs to yourself. Even though I know your making a garden for me, I still want the final product to be a suprise for me." You explained, you thought it would make the garden even better for you knowing Sabo was the one who picked everything just for you.

"Yeah? Sure no problem. It actually sounds like more fun this way," Sabo said happily to you. There was a slight spark in his eyes that showed just how determined he was.

Even just spending time with him makes me feel more relaxed.

I could stick with my horrible editor, but as long as I have Sabo I wouldn't mind.

"Lunch is ready!"

"Yahoo!! FOOoooddd!"

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