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You decided to name your new cat Monster, seeing as he scared four out of the five brothers. Currently the kittle grey cat is curled up on your lap in the living room, Sabo has his arm around your shoulder his head resting on top of yours.

"So when did this happen?" Thatch asked as he glanced at you and his brother cuddled up on the couch together.

"While Monster was running circles around you guys in the woods," Sabo teased as pressed a kiss to the top of your head. A noise left Monster's throat that sounded like a snicker causing both you and Sabo to laugh. A frown etched across Thatch's face as he shot the cat a glare which was returedd.

" Shihihi are you having a staring contest with the cat?" Luffy asked as he walked into the living room, a bowl of chips in his hands even though he just had supper.

Thatch let out a huff a went back to doing what he was doing, which was finding a movie for all of you to watch.

"See I told you making them share a room would make them get together," Ace argued with Marco, the two were sat on some pillows on the ground. "Now pay up."

"Whatever yoi." Marco said, pulling out a twenty dollar bill from his back pocket.

"Wait you guy's were betting on us getting together?" Sabo questioned his brothers.

"Heh, sorry aout that little bro. But we could all see you liked (Y/N) and Ace said that she liked you, so we decided why not?" Thatch explained to the two of you. While you could understand their reasoning it still pissed you off a bit to know they had placed bets on when you'd get together with Sabo.


"Monster get them." You told your cat, you weren't expecting him to do anything, but he actually jumped off your lap and started to chase the brothers.

"We're sorry."

"Please call him off."

"It was just a bet yoi."

~Time Skip~

Again you wore short-shorts and a tank top to bed, Sabo was rigid as he watched you get into bed with him.

"Are you sure you don't want me to sleep on the couch. I mean after the other night-"

"Sabo I told you already it's fine. Plus you have a concussion, I want you to get better before we have a heated makeuot session or sex." You told the blonde although you were trying to comfort him, you just caused his brain to short circut.

"Tha- that's not what I was suggesting," Sabo blurted out. He pulled the blanket over his red face, muffled words left his mouth. You pulled down the blanket from his face and pepperd him in kisses, chuckles left his throat as he tried to kiss you on the lips.


"Don't have sex when we can all hear you." Ace shouted as banged on the door causing you to give Sabo some more kisses as he continued to laugh. You heard a sigh from the other side of the door followed by a bedroom door closing. You planted one last kiss on Sabo's forehead and pulled him into your arms so his head rested in the crook of your neck.

You traced the muscles on his back idly, content with just being in his presence. You didn't need heavy makeout sessions or sex to make you love/want to be with Sabo, you just wanted to be with him whatever that meant.

"Goodnight sleep tight," Sabo yawned, he pressed a gentle kiss to your neck.

"Hmm goodnight cutie~" You chimed pulling the blanket up some more before closing your eyes.

You woke up in pretty much the same position you had fallen asleep in with the added exception of Monster snuggled between you and Sabo. Bright morning light illumenated the room as you slowly sat up, carefull not to wake Sabo or Monster. The grey kitten open one eye to look at you before going back to sleep.

You grabbed a fresh pair of clothes and headed into the ensuite to take a shower. Today you, Sabo and Luffy would be going to the farmers market to pick up some food, which was much needed with Luffy around, you also wanted to see if you could find any twine or string so you could turn the blue rock you found into a necklace.

"Morning (Y/N). Thatch is making breakfast right now then we can head out to the farmers market after," Sabo told you from the other side of the curtain shower. THe sink faucet turned on and sabo started to brush his teeth.

"Okay I'll be out soon," you shouted to Sabo over the running water, you got a gargled back what sounded like an 'okay' in response. Sabo left the bathroom soon after, you turned of the shower head and got out of the shower. You were quick to get ready, not because you didn't want to keep Sabo waiting, but because you wanted to eat some breakfast before Luffy finished it all.

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